MOTA Madness: Transformers Universe no longer an MMO, debuts this summer

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

It seems as though Transformers Universe has transformed into something new entirely. What was once suppose to be a browser-based MMORPG developed by Jagex, has now reversed its door panels and shifted its hardtop to reveal a brand new face altogether. In a forum announcement by Mark Gerhard, Ceo and CTO of Jagex, Gerhard revealed the project had evolved over 2013 and was now set to launch in the summer not as an MMO, but as a massively online, tactical action game, or MOTA.

While many might argue Jagex's "MOTA" may as well be a "MOBA", Gerhard says players will play as commanders, each commanding a squad of their own faction-specific AI bots into battle. These bots aren't also simply nameless drones with a death-wish like in other arena style games. The squad of bots all have access to their own customization options and specialties. In the end, Transformers Universe is said to offer fast-paced, battle eccentric, tactical action with several game modes to choose from.

There's little more information regarding the recent changes to Transformers Universe and how it actually plays, however Gerhard states this is soon to change. As Jagex prepares for its summer release, the studio will begin ramping up both their communication efforts and beta invites. Players have been able to signup for the beta since last year, but those who have not can still do so here.

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About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

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Discussion (20)

BoneCutter 10 years ago
trust me ive played the beta its all just PvP that it nothing else no back story no intro no character design poor instructions and constant death you never win and its a lot of waiting but it is still just in beta so it might get better

Akshansh 11 years ago
Well I dont think Runescape is garbage. It has underfone complete transformations and Its a very lively game with different flavours. Its most social and seamless world in browser gaming. Well there may be browser mmos with better graphics but none gave me that feel , that variety and that connectivity. Though yes transformers has disappointed. First of all they gave no idea about it. First time I saw the site in 2011 or 2012 and it was written "coming soon 2012" In 2013 a beautiful website and a trailer that I thought even if not free roam this must be a deathmatch kind of game. Absolutely dead till 2014. Now "Coming soon 2014" Ah very bad but can wait if game is good . And then you say MOBA have fun lol. You took 2 years to create an half mmo and converted into boring moba in 1 year man disappointing. Very disappointing indeed.

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Bic Boi 11 years ago
I'm sorry..did anyone really expect anything good to come from the creators of that piece of irrelevant garbage "runescape"?

fightmasterrr 11 years ago
How is this new news, didnt we find out that it was changed from mmo to moba style game like over a year ago?

Xazur 11 years ago
This is some kind of joke right? Went from a full fledged mmo to some crappy moba? This is called evolution?

omfg 11 years ago
Really? You cant just say your going to make it one thing then up and do another... do you seriously think that people who were expecting a mmo to just hop on board with this? NOPE cya i hope you get a fast moneyless painful death.

Razer 11 years ago
From bad to worse. Ah well. I gave up on Transformers after Michael Bay dragged his slimy balls across the franchise.

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Starscream 11 years ago
thats what everyone was witinf for.. another moba

rsdiver 11 years ago
god f**king damn it .... dear game developers ..stop shitting the market full with lazy ass lame moba clones .. i am so sick and tyired of these genre .... it is alsways the same (dear dota and lol fans shut up) ... there is nothing interesting happening ... we now have next gen and what do game developers do ...create games witch are lightyears behind current graphics .... have nothing new to offer .... god if there would be a way to rage quit a genre out of existence ... moba's would be gone in my world

Onslaught 11 years ago
Man this sucks. Im not that into rts type of games. I was really looking forward to a transformer mmo..AAAAAH

tolshortte 11 years ago
when I first heard about the Transformers MMO I was really excited. then when they announced some time ago it would be more like a MOBA I was very very bummed. customizing my own bot then exploring an open world environment would have been nice. now I couldn't be more turned off by it. oh well.

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Lolno 11 years ago
Game will suck. Truth hurts. Flame me please.

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fromhelll 11 years ago
I saw this on their forums, just because it's the transformers(also because I've been waiting to get a chance to play it for over a year now), i wanna give the game a chance. Hopefully it turns out good... I would have loved for the game to be based on the old Transformers appearance, but from what I've seen that's not gonna happen.

BattleBluzer 11 years ago
Lock On!

Mounted 11 years ago
Mounted son

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