MMOFPS Defiance set to go Free-to-Play in June

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

Trion Worlds no longer has a Pay-to-Play MMORPG in its repertoire, or at least they won't come June 4th when their open world MMOFPS Defiance is set to make the transition over to Free-to-Play on PC, with console versions following shortly after in mid-July.

Released back in 2013, Defiance aimed to set itself apart from other MMOs by tying the MMOFPS to a Syfy original series of the same name. Events which take place in game are said to effect the show, and with Season 2 set to begin on June 19th, Free-to-Play players will get a chance to participate in brand new missions that will continue to unfurl the series storyline. Like Rift, Defiance will follow Trion's mantra of "No Tricks, No Traps" which is to imply the studio will allow all players to progress through the game's notable content without the need to pay.

That being said, Trion Worlds does plan on offering those who purchased a copy of Defiance additional character slots, loadouts, ark keycode capacity, inventory slots and a one time allotment of 1000 Arkforge which is said to be "redeemable for resetting weapon mastery, upgrading your weapon’s power rating, or even bumping an uncommon weapon to epic rarity".

If that wasn't enough, purchasers will also receive 30 days of "Paradise Patron" status which will grant them the following benefits:

* Boosts to skill, XP, scrip, salvage, and reputation gain rates that stack with boosts available in the store.
* 10% store-wide discount on boosts, costumes, lock boxes
* A daily grab bag of two-hour boosts.
* Arkforge from Daily and Weekly Ark Hunter Bonus Lock Boxes.

A full side-by-side comparison of benefits for veteran players vs new recruits can be found here.

Interestingly, according to Polygon Trion Worlds had planned for Defiance to go Free-to-Play all along. The studio will hold a special Twitch stream this Friday at 5PM ET to answer questions regarding the transition and lay out the teams development plans moving forward.

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About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (27)

TabulaRasaFanR.I.P 10 years ago
IF you liked tabula rasa, you'll like this game.

Yezeth 10 years ago
Funny how a bunch of people saw this coming, and how a bunch of people are now raging that they had to spend $50 for this game.

minisne 10 years ago
I picked it up for like 5 euro and im still enjoying it it really isnt that bad :P

worldtraveler 10 years ago
as soon as i saw this game on new yares eve going for 5 euros and unlimited free trial i known it will go f2p soon and i was right to me only intresting part is pve and combat mecanic/ pvp dont try it

DisGameIsPoo 10 years ago


Credit where it's due 10 years ago
Atleast it dosn't lag like a Biach for me like PS2

knew it 10 years ago
i had a feeling about this one from the start. happy about it too

RIOT Best Company 2014 10 years ago
Honestly I'm surprised this didn't happen sooner. This game is absolute trash! I still won't even touch it after it's free.

Me 10 years ago
To hell with this game, Put money into this game the first week with sale of all updates for life one price , though it was gonna be huge, and after a week its the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over again. Crappy ass game, I want my 140 bucks back.

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70calories 10 years ago
I actually enjoyed this game quite a bit

Razer 10 years ago
That lasted a lot longer than APB originally did.

vixion 10 years ago
and the show that is tied to the game isn't even available in europe

View 1 reply
vixion 10 years ago
i spent 30€ on this crap, it's way too repetitive and and aiming feels weird and unresponsive

nonononononono 10 years ago
not even worth playing at f2p. i bought this game and played for a day. worst MMO ever. free korean garbage mmos are better.

Jooq 10 years ago
Why I'm not surprised ) Bet I will see same news about ESO and other "big MMOs" out there.
Besides , game wasn't interesting at all, it goes repeatable all the way and in my opinion DLC were crap -.-

Anon 10 years ago
F2P wont save it now.
Why bother.

ao 10 years ago
why the hell didnt they make it f2p in the first place, why??????????????????????

Dylan 10 years ago
Slight typo in the sentence

"Interestingly, according to Polygon Trion Worlds had pallned for Defiance to go Free-to-Play all along. The studio will hold a special Twitch stream this Friday at 5PM ET to answer questions regarding the transition and lay out the teams development plans moving forward."

You have pallned instead of planned :p

LordHikaru 10 years ago
Yay for free stuff. lol. Already own it so gonna enjoy the bonuses.

removalmitt 10 years ago
lasted this long before they had to flip,

will maybe give it a shot if nothing else decent and new ftp doesn't pop up before this switch

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hovsep 10 years ago
lol based on the mediocre review they had on launch i knew it will f2p sooner or later

Xaenex 10 years ago
Might just buy it within the next few days so that I can get in on those goodies. Definitely will play it in F2P.

Unmarked 10 years ago
Mounted, I had a feeling not to spend money on this game.

Hearing the news that this game is going free 2 play confirms my instincts were good to follow

View 1 reply

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