MMOBomb Ultimate F2P Tournament Round 3: Taking Out The Trash

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

In the last update, we thought that some small level of cheating was going on, but didn't think it was a major deal. People voting from three computers in their home and their cell phones was to be expected. Then we started tracking the IPs of where votes were coming in for some of the later polls in the semi-final round.


The Mabinogi/Ragnarok Online poll was, shall we say, a bit tainted, overwhelmingly (and obviously, once we got a look at the IP information) in favor of RO, with some domains reporting over 500 votes. As such, we've altered the final count, discounting as many of the illicit votes as we could find, as well as the few Mabinogi domains that recorded an unusually high number of votes. This may also have cost us a few legitimate Mabi and RO votes – and we'd imagine the vast majority of voters were honest and legitimate – but those are the casualties that the cheaters don't mind racking up.

We also purged some aberrant votes from the APB poll, which wasn't difficult to do when people were actively admitting to it on forums. Still, other than those incidents, we thought the voting was reasonably clean, especially from the Mabinogi fans who had been accused of cheating for several rounds – this, despite a 200+ page thread on their forums and pleas to their international community that clearly showed the dedication of their fans, not to mention the positive interaction from honest RO and APB fans, who did their best to rally the troops throughout their contests.

We'll continue to take action in the final rounds if we see anything that look sketchy. We look forward to these rounds being sparkling clean, no matter how much some people want to dirty it up!

Congrats to the final contenders: SMITE, Path of Exile, Mabinogi, and Warframe! We've decided to give everyone a break for the weekend and push the final match-ups to next week, starting on Monday. Enjoy your weekend!

M 3/31: SMITE vs. Path of Exile; Mabinogi vs. Warframe
Th 4/3: The Final Match-up!

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (222)

HMV 10 years ago
So when is this starting...?

parnmkie 10 years ago
yay mabi

Whiteblade23 10 years ago
Hello, Whiteblade23 of the Ruiari server from mabinogi here~

This is rather... expected of us in mabinogi to see that people hate us... Though it's sad to see so many people hate after losing their matches against mabinogi..

We as gamers shouldn't hate for a loss... Losing is part of the game...

For those who call mabinogi "a shitty game" might be because they themselves tried to play mabi but in the process failed to love it as what a game is...

For me mabinogi is one of the most excellent games out there, I joined mabi after their g1 had come out and still loving it ... And I've met my goals for mabi already.. I am ttl lvl 15,000 and I got most of the items in the game... I came to love the game because my friends were there and as of now I am taking a break from it... I chose to take a break since there isn't much for me to do but to level even further.. But also I chose to take a break to expand my gaming and play on other games...

But maybe, from seeing such competitors(game's community) be sore losers.. I will enjoy joining their communities and remind them that in a game it's not about winning or loosing but rather how u play and enjoy the game (me taking on their communities on their on game)

So I hope to see u all in your own game if u lose to me well.. I'll just say it's going to be fun and entertaining for me :) hope to see u soon haters<3

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HMV 10 years ago
I find it sad that ppl would take other ppls name just to make them look bad especially against mabi those poor guys getting complained for defending 1 vote poll from being bs just let mabi be enough that ABOUT HALFISH of the voters ganging on them dam just sayin

FuzzyKitty 10 years ago
I find it completely bizarre mabinogi got this far.
Love the game to death, but I'm still shocked.
I thought we were relatively unknown and very small. :3
Even if mabinogi ultimately loses, as it probably will, I'm super happy the community banded together and made it this far. So proud of you guys!

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Kei 10 years ago
I'm happy to see mabi in the finals but also saddened by how some of us have been commenting this was suppose to before fun and I see that the rewards posted from nexon to encourage us to support our game has caused us to become ravenous in our quest to achieve the rewards we have not only become ruthless in our pursuit but the community looks bad I'm am saddened because next round I will not vote I'm am sorry but this is stupid

Sadisto 10 years ago

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KoolAidStimPack 10 years ago
Well Path of Exile should be going against SMITE next round.

I'll be voting for SMITE, but even if Path of Exile wins, I won't be disappointed. Both are decent games.

Warframe will be going against Mabinogi & I can honestly say I don't know much about Warframe, but I'll be giving them my vote next round as well, because I think either SMITE or Path of Exile could stand up against Warframe in the final...

& lets face it, Mabinogi cheated when it became a close race, & I expect they'll do it again & MMOBomb seems comfortable turning a blind eye.

So well Warframe may not have the votes to beat Mabinogi, if they have enough votes, Mabinogi will cheat again. Not all players of course, like Sai (seems honorable) but many of the other Mabinogi posters here... they just have that cheating vibe.

So even though I have no clue what Warframe is, nor will I ever play it...


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Scott 10 years ago
Mabinogi !!!!!

scott 10 years ago
Planet side 2!!!!!!

Mabisucks 10 years ago
mabi sucks now sadly it doesn't compare to most games out there.

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Hopeful 10 years ago
Hopefully if Mabi wins Nexon would start working on it more. Would like to see the game improved.

MMO Guy 10 years ago
Okay I'll throw in my two-cents about Mabinogi-the-game.

What I like about it.
1) No classes. You tailor-make your character to the exact fighting style you want.
2) You don't have to be someone who basically just kills stuff, if you don't want to. You can chose to just do crafting if you want. And there's are large variety of crafting disciplines. You, can even choose to be a musician and make a band and play your own music in game.
3) Like other MMOs I like the fact that you're against/with other actual people from all over the world.
4) Being such an old game now, there is a lot to the world. It even has history now. Older players can talk about the old Giant vs Elf war, which ended for everyone in-game and is no longer active in-game.
5) Not only can you p!mp out your wardrobe, you can do so with your avatar's body. Be a rake, be thick and juicy, be buff, be a wimp, and change it as often as you want.

What I don't like about it.
1) Like other MMOs it suffers from lag lag and lag. I really wish Nexon would throw more hardware at it.
2) Reported success percentages are meaningless. Ever crafted in Mabinogi? 80% success means 50% success. Ever shot a bow in Mabinogi? 20% means 50% and 100% means 0% (okay there I exaggerate but just a bit).
3) There are points in the game where you will not move forward unless you (1) pay money or (2) convince people to help you. It's great that that might "encourage" community and so on, but if you can't find anyone then your stuck.
4) No Dwarves! Gotta have Dwarves! Make them the "life skill" race.
5) I'd like to see a graphics upgrade for it, say to Vindictus quality for the characters at least. Give players say a two generation warning so they can upgrade their hardware.

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AirmechFtw 10 years ago
People should vote AirMech just so we can see that silly Warframe head on the mechs lol.

Eloromir 10 years ago
Goodness there's a lot of Mabi hate going on around here :/

As someone who's been seeing PSA after PSA all over the servers announcements, forums.. god even all the player shops have VOTE FOR MABI slapped across their titles... I'm kind of disappointed in all the baseless hate. It's not all administration egging us on either (we don't even know the reward for this round, if there's any), it's 99% player base ads. People have been paying real life cash for bugles (5 second announcements that appear on every player's screen within the server) to get people to vote. There's /no one/ talking about botting polls.

As for how good a game it is, that's purely opinion. It's a VERY old game that's mostly stuck to its roots for better or for worse. For the people who take it at face value and judge it by its graphics... play the game for a couple months and come back when you actually have an experience-based opinion. For the rest that have played and don't like it, sorry that you don't! But I assure you that the majority of us Milletians are taking this poll seriously and we intend to play fair. No sense in cheating when MMOBomb is already watching the polls~ Anyway, long (rant) post... Good luck to all sides, and may the best PLAYER COMMUNITY win!

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mabiguardian 10 years ago
Come on all these stupids games mabi needs to win all the other games are bullcrap even though mabi is planning to cheat on the next poll they enter been talking to my clan says they are gonna bot the whole entire poll.

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NOTABOSS 10 years ago
Mabi's thinking their boss of this poll is classic I swear why does anyone like a stupid game like that?

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An Airmech Player 10 years ago

THIS Is why AirMech should win. Show me another game where someone is willing to give away every single cosmetic that they have to the community to encourage people to vote. In no other game will you see this dedication matched. Airmech has my vote for this reason. The community is amazing, unrivaled by any other F2P game out there. Airmech all the way!

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morris 10 years ago
Hearthstone is garbage. Glad to see it out of this tournament.

mabigaurdian 10 years ago
Mabi vs smite its gonna be a EXTREMELY close 1 if we make full finals
Guess is 50/50

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denja 10 years ago

Naruto Uchiha 10 years ago

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KiraDeus 10 years ago
League of Legends Metascore Users : 5.7/10 with 926 positive against 640 negative

Your game is not so popular sorry that's not a matter of participation...

Stro 10 years ago
League of Legends players doesn't care about MMOBomb Ultimate F2P Tournament, they really don't care that why they loose.

mabisucks 10 years ago
Stupid mabis thinking there gonna win.... :3

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ookie 10 years ago
Mabi rocks....join one with us

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Looking for soulmate 10 years ago
Mabi got so many claws... im looking for a soulmate want to floot... im a guy @_@... need a girl perf. so i say need :P.. Denjalife for got my sever lol... never remeber that lol it one with the most ppl lol

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MMO Guy 10 years ago
MS vs SMITE has around 13k total votes now, and the poll has been open over a day. Those are pretty low vote rates when you compare with what was witnessed in Mabinogi vs RO . If people are running bots to vote for SMITE they really need to get in touch with the folks from the previous poll since their bots had much faster output.

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Stuart98 10 years ago
Interestingly, the number 3 game in every division advanced to the finals.

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Stuart98 10 years ago
Smite is winning because they're experiencing rapid growth and just barely released. If you're looking for a game that's gotten as far as it has due to a tight community, try Airmech.

msxp123 10 years ago
Warframe is going to win it all!

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Smite is cheating 10 years ago


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Smitwftw 11 years ago
Smite is awesome it gave everyone 600 gems that was level 10 and up in beta!!!!!!
Talk about 3 gods hmmmmm.

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Skeedex 11 years ago
Guys, why does PoE have more votes than LoL? I have played them both and LoL is much more fun.

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Maydayparadex33 11 years ago
So were Mabinogi's... Or they wouldn't have been included... Like the top 98℅ of Ragnorak's prox IPs.... What's your point buddy?

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mattmanrx99 11 years ago
Yeah path of exile is kinda kicking LoL's butt right now 40% to 60%

Maydayparadex33 11 years ago
It's cute to see some of the sour RO players now claiming Mabinogi was botting for them. I don't see how that helps anyone. Not only does generating a new IP give RO a vote but it also doesn't change anything as MMO is filtering out the repeat IP addresses. What is accomplished? absolutely nothing. Now they're bitterly claiming Mabinogi has a very little player base. I guess that doesn't include the 184,987 people who currently like the game plus all of the fanpages.
Mabinogi is a great game. It's not your regular F2P that's 3D based. It doesn't look like a final fantasy rip off. It allows you to use whatever skill set you want on whatever character you please.If you don't want to use combat then there's weaving, tailoring, carpentry, blacksmithing, cooking, and even.... cow milking.The possibilities are endless. And to that one tard Mewi who needs to be hit in the face with common sense, they may be a partner of Nexon's but Vindictus was disqualified early.She's bitter that her game lost. I'm not trashing RO. I've never tried it. Maybe it's a wonderful game. Who am i to judge? But seeing people like Mewi, makes me dislike the community before even trying it.

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ookie 11 years ago
everyone should just be glad that no one has to go up against Minecraft

that'sssssss a nicccccce advancccced heavy weapon you got there......BOOM

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Kei 11 years ago
Quit with the game bashing! Milltiens you are better then this I know you are as for the rest of get off it it's a contest to vote for your favorites! Deal with the results of the polls and quit the bashing and whining for gods sake you make your respective games look bad because you act like children if I was new to any of these games I would be afraid to join them because the community of players, that make the game good or bad because they become your allies, no your friend by playing, don't seem friendly. I need help in the game and I would be afraid to ask anyone because the player community sounds mean. It's disgraceful to know my fellow players are acting this way over a contest I love mabi hell I love a lot of games in this contest but if I had never played before I would wanna play because of some of the comments on here. Know how you act represents the games you play and that if you want new players to come in you need to show them it's not just a good game but it has a nice community this an advertisement for these games! Now stop acting like children.

ThatGuyHatesYou 11 years ago
Wow both side is just so sad, trash talking each other. Are you guys like 5year old? When things don't go your way, you cry and whine saying it's unfair. It would have been better if both side got DQed. No one likes a person who thinks "My game is the best, nothing is better than my game!"
I'm disappointed in both community, especially Mabinogi didn't know people were that desperate for something pixelated as 3x ap. I'm also disappointed in Mewi who refuses to just let the fire die down.

Warning! boring story below!

I have try both game, I played maple story first though then went to a RO private server ,because I couldn't afford that member payment, at that time I think mabinogi came out to. Told myself "ew that game looks boring." After trying RO for a couple of days killing slime power leveling to a super beginner and becoming a gunslinger. I had no idea I was doing. Most of the time I was just spamming desperado in this zombie place with bats. After alwhile RO got boring it wasn't really my cup of tea. I eventually gave in to mabinogi gave it a try. It was like a whole new experiences, met lots of people that are important to me now. But my friend sold my mabinogi account. So once again I went game searching, trying out every game out there. I was going to try out RO, but had forgotten the download actual game, patch it, use custom private server item patch and etc. I had a shitty laptop back then, now I have a shitty pc cuz I fry my laptop gaming 24/7 and always leaving it on xD
Well I forgot what the point of this story is, but everyone have a different set of view for things maybe you think RO is the best or that Mabinogi is. Everyone has different statement.

I'm sure some of you guys, gals, dragons and cat will say something like "Oh you never try RO/Mabinogi! Stop lying. You have no right to judge my game, because you only spended a couple of days on it!" Or something like that, I'm entitled to my personal opinion and of what "i" like in my game. This is just my opinion, except the story. That is a fact cuz it actually happen. Wether you want to believe me or not, it's up to you.

@MMObomb if you want them to stop trying to spit lies and threat at each other. You should just show them the voting points. Unless in reality you did get bribe, conspiracy, or on reality that one sided crushed the others badly, maybe the player legit vote was so low that it could hurt both games.
Also a way bitter can use the voting in a harmful way, maybe mass vote against the winning team for pay back in next round? Or maybe you want to protect the ip from being threaten or whatever. I suck at being detective. Claiming not show the voting and just telling us bitter would use it somehow is too vague. If you could specify on what you mean , so us legit voters should have the right to see the final poll counting.

Shame 11 years ago
Way to go, your games got headlined. Tsk tsk, cheaters.

ookie 11 years ago
if you don't want to encourage what is called cheating then this statement should definitely be rephrased

" Vote early, vote often, but whatever you do, just vote!"

especially the 'vote often' portion of it

mabigaurdian 11 years ago
Judging on vote the final standoff might be mabi vs smite
So... Gonna be a actual war lolXD

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Me 11 years ago
WTF how can maplestory even compare to SMITE? Maplestory looks like something my 2 year old niece would play.

Newb 11 years ago

WhyTube 11 years ago
Ugh why is mabi still in the poll I hate that cloudy game it gives me nightmares
By the way I have been spying on you mabi's since the beginning of the polls I knew you would be a threat but anyways I think mmobomb let a major voter passed on because there is no way you could stand a ground of 34% when they got WAY more votes than you any who I am NOT a ro player I don't like anime looking games like that or whatever I am more into other games like smite.
I would think that mmobomb would be fair and not include most games from nexon no offense to you three prob reading this right now (MMOBOMB). The thing is mabi alone is as low and ro alone to be honest they gained most of their support through other nexon games and the nexon promise all the treats if they win. Sorry to say mabi but you won't win this poll you might win the rogue division but you certainly won't win the whole brackets. Of course if you did I would accuse hacks. Back to the topic I have seen some mabi players posting on other games other than their own about voting for their game if they vote for theirs. I think the brackets should of been divided into a popular group as in 1 meaning VERY popular and as in 4 meaning popular. It would of made the brackets more fair and little games won't be crushed by the big games at the start. I can list some reason why I dislike mabi.
1. The horrible name HOW DO YOU EVEN SAY IT!!!!????
2. Its just a copy from a Korean game
3. Its to bright and just childish
4. Dating online is VERY much on there I can not go a day without seeing it.
5. Graphics are just horrible I MEAN have you seen the game? They can make a lot of improvements but they choose not to.
Just my Opinion on mabi I surely didn't believe it would go this far but hey!?!?!?!?

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AngelWings 11 years ago
Did u guys heard about the new CEO for Nexon ??? his name is: Owen Mahoney

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KoolAidStimPack 11 years ago
Just a heads up to the creator of the article. The graphic for warrior division is missing on this page.

Understandable omission, with all the cheating drama taxing your attention.

As for one party cheating harder than the other... they both cheated. That is all i need to know. Pity for the legitimate participants on both sides. It tarnishes the legitimate efforts made.

What happens when a legitimate challenge is faced, will another close race be enough to push the few to cheat again?

Stay vigilant MMOBomb. Bad habits don't disappear overnight.

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Mewi 11 years ago
Just thought you guys would like to know but ^^

MMOBomb's About Page :3

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ookie 11 years ago
going up against a totally diff. genre in the next round.....a shooter.....i'm still voting Mabi, and hoping for the best .... ^_^

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10v5m1ch9n5 11 years ago
Don't make excuses. A win is a Win, A loss is a Loss.

ThatMabinogiGuy 11 years ago
You never know Mabinogi might win.

mabigaurdian 11 years ago
Damn that last poll made my brain hurt go mabi

Butthurt_RO_User 11 years ago
I'm very butthurt that Ragnarok Online lost. 90% of our player base are bots.

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Raegar 11 years ago
Well, Mabi won over RO at 56% to 44%. Our voters had the honor it seems, but RO is a very good game, I'm just sorry that they had to resort to botting. :/ I hope it doesn't come back to bite them in the butt and that new players try it out, It's a very good game. :)

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Kei 11 years ago
Good form mmobomb and legit RO votes no hard feelings to those who were legit In voting mabi voters good luck in your next round

Blue 11 years ago
I'm interested in the final Ragnarok vs. Mabinogi vote tally. Anyone else?

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SinsAndFalseAlarms 11 years ago
I love the sass these guys have. MMObomb is one of my favorite sites now. Go go, sassy guys!

Toshi 11 years ago

Code 11 years ago
Let's Go Mabinogi!

Loyal LIon 11 years ago
What is the Final vote count in the Mabi vs RO poll?

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Thedot44 11 years ago
League of legends, Planetside 2 and Warframe are gonna win :P

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