MMOBomb Ultimate F2P Showdown: The Final Confrontation
64 games entered, but only four remain. Who will prevail? Which game will reign supreme?
The last four games in contention are all unique. We've got a MOBA where you take on the role of a mythical deity (SMITE), a hardcore ARPG (Path of Exile), a cute anime-inspired MMORPG (Mabinogi), and a space-ninja action/shooter game (Warframe). We couldn't ask for much more variety than that.
Curiously, three of the final four games were seeded at #3 (and the fourth, PlanetSide 2, was just eliminated in the last round). It seems that the really big games, the #1 and #2 seeds, lacked proper fan support, while the #3 games were both big enough to have enough people to rally while being small enough to really care about the tournament. Kudos to you, #3 seeds, as well as you crazy Mabinogi folks.
These games have won their match-ups by an average of 30 percentage points, but it hasn't always been easy. Mabinogi and Warframe both were almost eliminated in the first round, while after stomping face in the first two rounds, Path of Exile has had a much harder time of it in later rounds. SMITE had an unexpectedly tough go of it in round one against Aura Kingdom, but overall seems to have had the easiest path to tread. We're betting that will change soon.
OK, enough of the blather. Let's get down to it, shall we?
The Final Confrontation: SMITE vs. Warframe
Currently Livestreaming Poll Results:
(voting ends Monday, April 7 at 1 p.m. PDT)
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Fresh adventure is on the horizon, as 3D Browser MMORPG Eldevin will be receiving a fully loaded and completely free expansion this April 3rd.
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Blacklisted characters names will not show up properly.

And the devs have temporarily disabled Combat Blink, just for a little test.

Players also now have a way to transfer Pals between worlds.

If you decide to buy it, it's on a deep sale, too.
1.The planets you go into have a area that look the EXACT same as every other planet they just make it longer
2.You cant get good items when you dont pay
Smite isnt a pay to win you can pay for costumes or the god pack(worth 100 or 200 pounds i think) for £20 so its not pay to win and smite is a different moba from any other.Lets take DOTA 2 as a example i find it too complicated because you have to click to move and its difficult and its a top down view at that point i saw smite 3rd person moba and now im sick at playing at it.Ok there is only 1 map each mode but there is 5-8 modes to play which have a unique map but it can be fun
Warframe gets boring after a week in my opinion and its too repetitive so smite is a better game by MILES and i mean MILES
We challenged the gods, and they acknowledged us as a threat. We have fought hard. Let the winners win, but let them honor the loser for their effots
Tenno are just mortals beings, they were never a match against the Gods.
Not even 2% of the Warframe community bother to vote =/ (or even know about this).
There is no place to hide.
I am your reckoning!
Smite is better, but unfortunately, they're not hiring bots, so they will lose.
Whereas there really isn't anything to do in Warframe, so it makes sense that people have plenty of spare time to come and vote while they wait for content.
But as has always been clear, this is just a popularity contest.
We can't know how hard the humiliation will be, but we do know that it will indeed be a humiliation of immense quality.
Damn you keyboard.
1. Should've hid every poll so there wouldn't be any drama, because now they created enemies between games.
2.Should've actually done a better job against botters. Why host when you can't even make sure it will be a fair fight? (Goes with #1)
3. Place better rules, such as 1v1. You want to see if that game's community will actually vote or not. Yes Nexon had all of it's games vote for Mabi in the semifinals, but that was at the very end after Airmech backed Warframe the whole time. WF vs Mabi with blind polls would have been a lot fairer than what really happened.
Srsly MMOBomb, get your shit together.
thay didnt checked all ingame features and only after playing it for 4-5 hrs made a review.
thay dont understand that warframe is evolving evry week with constant updates and fixes.
Hope Warframe wins so all haters see how good this game realy is.
By the way Smite will win! Smite SHOULD win! :D
By the way Smite will win! Smite SHOULD win! :D
Im expecting to see both sides pulling in alot of votes since both games are very popular.
...Probably should've been done in every round from the start. It would have saved so much inter-community drama. =P
That being said we in the Warframe community are gonna mop the floors with ya.
I'd like to wish Smite the best of luck on this contest first off. Many of my fellow Tenno also play smite and we anticipate a good fun, community rousing contest.
gg warfram and haters gg..
It's so damn balanced and fair.
The final SMITE vs Warframe who will win ???
The reason why Nexon NA player base support Mabinogi is not because of the events that Nexon gave us it is because we support each other if u look on the forums u will see. We been voting for Nexon games at the start of the showdown before Nexon did the events.
u guys do not know if we Nexon NA player base cheated or not so stop with this bs.
Both games are good but for community I pick Mabinogi.
I hope its just going to be a pure Warframe vs. Smite this time.
If my game got beat, I'd want the game that beat us to go all the way so we got beat by the best.
But all you sore losers gotta go support the loser Warframe. . .
and over 30k votes overnight in favor of warframe is absolute bulls***
Get over it.
My game is wunning, best game ever.
Get over it also.
Mabi seems to care more about this voting then Warframe does. There's really nothing on the site and very few posts from DE about voting. I have only seen "Redtext" say anything about it once. I could be wrong. DE has other things on their mind and are working on updates for their game. If they win, maybe they will do something, if they don't, I don't see them caring much.
Win or lose neither make the game better or worse. Other games that lost early on are still good games (not all, just depends what you like), but them winning/losing doesn't change the fact that you play them.
Who ever wins this - good job. Who ever doesn't - good run. Both are still going to be good games in the end.
Also, despite Nexon telling their entire fanbase to vote for Mabi, I'm assuming there are a lot of people from other communities (like the ones Mabi beat) voting for Warframe simply to vote against Mabi.
I've played both Warframe and Mabi, and Mabi has my vote. Warframe is a lot more grindy, and the missions consist of getting into a group of 4 random people and running through, killing everything, then running to the exit, possibly with an escort or fetch quest thrown in. It's a rather simple formula that gets old and boring incredibly fast. At least with Mabi when you're spamming dungeons, you still need to be on your toes so you don't make a bad move and get yourself killed. Mabi also has the bigger sense of a community, since when you're not in a mission there's an actual world to explore, not just sitting in a global chat room...
Nexon is bribing players within all of their games playerbases so they can win this shit.
so if there is one guy saying ERMAGERD WARFRAME IS LOSING AGAINST A SHITTY ANIME GAME then you know the community from warframe is shit i played mabinogi as did i play warframe too theyre both rly good games and both of them are quite unique games too PS:if it is botted mmobomb would remove the botters like they did at the ragnarok VS mabi
THEN my account got hacked, and they WOULD NOT do anything.. I had GOOD money into that game.
It took them 1 month to even respond to me..
They keep loosing employees..and you never talk tot he SAME ones.. Take a look at these ._.
I love both games but in terms of being a ''F2P'', Warframe wins by default.
I'm going to need more popcorn for this.
I'm surprised Warframe has so many votes. It's a much closer poll than I would have imagined. Is it getting bribed too? I know whenever I was online in Mabi people constantly spammed links to the poll in every channel and I recall there being prizes for mabi winning rounds.
In fact, all these games known for bots... And WarFrame had a facebook announcement rallying the bottom of the barrel mass fan boi ps4 voters en mass (as bad as GW2 bois)...
Moral of story. Mmobombs vote game f2p thingy is da fail.
However, I think Mabinogi should win.
I like Warframe. Graphics, it wins hands down.
However: in player interaction, music, community...
I find that Mabinogi crushes Warframe.
Warframe, judging by numbers, would crush Mabi.
But, hey. Mabi's strong.
One tactic has been discovered by letus that they will slow down votes until the end and RAISE the votes high. Always people using bar codes to make multiple votes? Is it not allowed or it isn't?
More tactics will be discover soon
I am out!
Smite seemed to get first blood. Let's hope we can keep this up.
Flamesuit on.
Q: U mad?
A: Yes, Indeed, I am mad.
I still think that SMITE has the upper hand tho.
You can say. most popular mmo according mmobomb fans, but not best mmo period.
but yeah warframe is not a easy one to beat but we still have hope to make to final~
smite has 1032.92 votes and POE has 633.08votes
I wish Nexon would stop with 'Mabinogi 2!' 'Mabinogi Heroes!' which is actually NOTHING like the actual Mabinogi. All the content of Mabinogi in a new engine, new graphics, less lags, less bugs, new combat system, and you've got an ideal MMORPG right there. Make it cost 50 dollars, I'm sure no one would care.
Smite completely deserves to win as well.
Smite>Mabinogi>Path of Exile>Warframe