MMO Dev Calls Out ArcheAge For Its "Massive Downsides"
"You don't like ArcheAge? So why don't you make your own game and make it better, huh?"
"OK," says David Wells, Community Manager for Das Tal, a buy-to-play PvP sandbox game currently in development. In a recent blog, Wells gives his impressions of both the good (mostly concept) and bad (mostly execution) of ArcheAge and how his game will, of course, be so much better. Some of the best tidbits:
Regarding Labor Points: "Is ArcheAge pushing to make a change in how crafting works in MMO’s? Or have they simply seen an opportunity to make more dollars and gone after it?"
Regarding combat: "The PvE in ArcheAge is barely worth mentioning, with dungeon scripting about as complex as you find in other MMO’s starter areas."
Regarding communication: "I feel like the community has never been given any real attention, and the only interaction they have received was in the form of scripted apologies that followed any of the many screw ups."
You've probably never heard of Das Tal before today, so the post is probably at least in part an attempt to generate publicity while criticizing a much-criticized, but better-known, member of the competition. Still, it's hard to argue with a lot of his points. How much do you agree with Wells' criticisms?
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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Interested players have four days to help test the game on PC and console.

The patch process is estimated to take about 18 hours.

Just in case you forgot, it reminds us all that the Cornservant is coming back.

The team also had BigTime build a real version and it's awesome.
And about David Wells blog... he didn't played the game like me for a few hours and quit. He actually seems to have a good amount of time in Archeage, so i trust he knows much more then i do. He makes some strong points, i cannot argue with any of them. And since he seems like he really knows what he is talking about, this only strengthens my hopes for Das Tal's future.