Merc Elite Key Feature Trailer Gives First Gameplay Glimpse

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

It will always be a slow news day when the editor's PC decides to have a meltdown. Computers seem so fickle today, one minute your changing out a fan and the next minute your having to replace your motherboard.

But late news is better than no news and I aim to deliver. Prior to my electronic catastrophe, I caught wind of a new trailer for Bigpoint's MOBA Merc Elite. While there was initially speculation on how the shooter MOBA would handle, we can now see it will retain a similar camera perspective while adding additional cover mechanics, tweaked "fog of war" and directional attacks similar to those found in other top down shooters.

One of the first things you may notice is the lack of auto attacks, a mechanic we often overlook, but one that most MOBAs utilize. No auto attacks make sense given Merc Elite is a shooter, instead players can fire their weapon while free aiming with their mouse. The fog of war is no longer fog, but instead a vision range bound by line of sight. The moment you turn a corner your vision shifts to view the stretch of visible area in front of you and as you move forward, your vision behind you diminishes in a cone, making it easy for an enemy to sneak into a blind spot if you aren't careful.

The game certainly has more of a shooter vibe then MOBA, as I saw no signs of lanes or creeps, but instead found domination to be the trumpeted game mode. That's not to say a MOBA needs those things to be a true moba, but besides individual classes having access to a set of activatable abilities, the game seems to lend itself more towards a top down shooter set in an arena. And what shooter isn't set in some sort of "arena"?

Still, the game posses some interesting gameplay and I'm sure many of us welcome the idea of a MOBA that attempts to stray away from mechanics that others seem so eager to copy instead.

The closed beta is currently underway with signups open on the official site here.

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: Merc Elite.

About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (21)

zzz 11 years ago
I really wanna play but apparently I didn't register earlier in the year so I gotta wait

SlasherMaster 11 years ago
Pretty good for a beta.

Adrian87 11 years ago
Nice trailer. 0:47 my favorite skill :)
I like the game very much and the fact that you get most of the info you need very easily while playing. Like the area protected by cover for example at 0:19. There are parts that need some improvements (is CB after all), but i definitely enjoyed it very much until now.

Treeman De Unmountable 11 years ago
There were a lot of players in BETA yesterday, about 89, but there's only 3 active games.

I tried the game, it's good for a browser game. The only thing I hate though is how OP that heavy guy with machine gun; he have the fire-rate, health and defense on his side, not to mention that rpg shit that take 1/4 of hp all the time...

I also hate the UI.

But hey, these are just my opinion really. You should try it, the idea is unique and refreshing.

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GodAbyss 11 years ago
how do i get a beta key for this game i really want to try it out i registered my mail in the web but still no beta key any1 help please? :/

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Extasist 11 years ago
it takes long because no one liked the game, when i got beta key and got in the game in 30 sec, but i couldn't finish even one match, this game is terrible, its not moba its more like 2D shooter better to play counter strike 2d then this crap.

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Reverendum 11 years ago
Tried it yesterday.
It takes AGES to get in to the game, and as said before, there are not that many people playing so far. Hopefully things will change for the better, because the in itself (when you finally get in to battle) is a LOT of fun.

Reminds me of Kill Zone for PSP.

M-16 11 years ago
Probably the only moba I'm willing to try because, as the author of the article wrote, this game seems to stray away from the mechanics other moba games copy.

CelestialTeapot 11 years ago
It has a nice concept I joined the first match but the lag was unbearable.
So can't comment much, but I really enjoyed the tutorial.

Khal 11 years ago
Actually looks pretty sweet. Nice fresh take on the genre.

from__hell 11 years ago
been waiting for my key for a while, hopefully i get it soon, the game looks pretty good

Arrow 11 years ago
You should keep trying. its actually alot of fun. was pleasantly suprised about how fun it was.

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A 11 years ago

LionsCrest 11 years ago
Well not a lot of people has gotten into closed beta lol. I have it, but i only see 7 users online, and 0 battles. :/, I really want to try it though, seems fun.

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