Marvel Snap OTA Balance Updates Attempt To Adjust Viability Of Certain Cards And Decks More Frequently
Apparently Shuri’s been causing some problems.
Marvel Snap dropped an OTA Balance Update. These “over the air” updates are hotfixes dropped outside of the semi-monthly patch schedule. This OTA makes for changes to cards that in one way or another are tied to Shuri’s deck: Red Skull, Sunspot, Shadow King, and Sentry. The idea is to make some of the cards more viable while dropping the popularity of others and making room for new options.
Some may wonder why the devs don’t just adjust Shuri herself. They intend to, it’s just not something they can do in one of these hotfixes. That’ll come at a later date. They’re also looking at other balancing changes and have announced that beginning with the April patch on the 18th, they’ll begin making weekly changes to cards in the game.
They’ll still have a patch every four weeks on Tuesday. As for the OTA, those will take place on Thursdays, so at least one week out of the month, players can expect two updates to the game. This new system is a trial, so it may not last that long, but players can expect it to run at least throughout May.
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QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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This likely isn't surprising, but that doesn't make it unfortunate still.
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