Lost Ark Will Add New Rowen Continent In February And Release Artist Class Ahead Of Time Come March

With the February update, the devs will throw in events to celebrate the game's anniversary.

Anthony Jones
By Anthony Jones, News Editor Posted:

Lost Ark February Celebration

Smilegate and Amazon Games dropped a blog today releasing details on the upcoming February 8th update for Lost Ark and shared that the Artist class will come West sooner than expected in March instead of April.

For February, the new Rowen continent located West of Shushire will get added to the game. The backstory of the land is that it used to be home to a prosperous civilization that suddenly disappeared, and eventually, Rowen became forgotten. The continent is now brimming with crimson Sylmael jewels and has attracted two competing factions mustering their forces in Rowen that players must choose to represent.

To start the world quest in Rowen, which sends players into a PvP mode against the opposing faction, players must have Item Level 1445 gear. By participating in activities and gaining Faction XP, players can rise up the 15 tiers of ranks within their faction for rewards. Alongside Rowen, fans can also celebrate the game's first anniversary through new events with prizes.

The devs revealed the Artist class in the 2023 roadmap for the game and at first determined it would arrive sometime in April. Due to the team being ahead of development, the Artist will come in March with a Powerpass and progression event similar to previous Express Events. Leading up to the class release, Smilegate aims to share more specifics.

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In this article: Smilegate, Lost Ark, Amazon Games.

About the Author

Anthony Jones
Anthony Jones, News Editor

Anthony Jones is a gaming journalist and late 90s kid in love with retro games and the evolution of modern gaming. He started at Mega Visions as a news reporter covering the latest announcements, rumors, and fan-made projects. FFXIV has his heart in the MMORPGs scene, but he's always excited to analyze and lose hours to ambitious and ambiguous MMOs that gamers follow.

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Discussion (1)

midori 2 years ago
If they gave us this class earlier i'd maybe not quit. But playing class I do not want to play daily on 8 alts just to keep a little with P2W users was not sustainable. It is really ass when you are expected to do infinite ammount of grind just to access endgame content. If you play 24hours per day on 8alts it is still not enough if you do not get lottery-winner lucky. Fu* 0.0001% honing chances are bad joke and Market is purely ran on p2w coins, you can not even sell and buy stuff without those. You need to do 8 years of events to have enough for single end-game tier accessory purchase with good stats as f2p. It is first time that we got Asian MMORPG that is less grindy in the asian release and monetized more unfairly for western release. Korea also gets extra rewards, like ultra rare cards that have 0.00000001% droprate from bosses u can do once per week. Really putting that "you are the less important part of our community" in our face. Very brave move in game where 99% are bots and 1% people that buy gold from those bots. And each bot ban wave removes 60% players from steamcharts for 2 weeks or so before botters click restart button again.
Why i mention bots? Well if you are f2p player they devalued your time by over 99% Because if 1000gold could get you gg relic 6months ago, 100000gold can not get you one now. Same for crystal to gold ratio. Bots are basically american goverment, printing money for the rich overlords while making stuff unaffordable for worker-class.

i'd still install the game just to try artist class if the game looked healthy but there is 150k players from 1.3million and from those 100k is bots. For example june's bot ban removed -53.92% accounts. I know it is hard to imagine so many bots, but when there is money they work miracles. Even bots moved to more popular titles as they dropped from 600k bots to 100k. You can tell that they are not gone easily in any city, as they run train in perfectly same straight line to same quest givers in thousands and even have hacks to be faster than possible for legitimate player.

This game is not dead at all, but it is corpse slowly rotting. It can be revived by 3 things 1. Server merges 2.Partial p2w removal(everyone will get access to endgame in reasonable time, p2w players will just have easier time because of god gear they bought) 3. Removal of p2w barriers from trading.
There, game saved and revived in 3 easy steps (it will not happen ofcourse because short term greed>long term income)


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