Lost Ark Video Highlights Endgame PvE Including Dungeons, Raids, Gear, And Even Housing

That’s everything from raids to the island estate.

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

Lost Ark Endgame

While most players will probably be working on Lost Ark’s story content for a while, we all know that sooner or later the endgame is what becomes important. Sooner for some, later for others. With that in mind, Amazon Games decided to show players what they’ll be in for when they reach that point with another sponsored video, this time with YouTuber Force

The video covers three main areas of endgame content – dungeons, raids, and island strongholds. It begins with chaos dungeons, which is where players will begin gearing for endgame content. Players enter a dungeon and fight off waves of enemies with a five-minute limit on each batch. The idea is to make your way through as quickly as possible. For doing this successfully, players receive base-level gear and the resources needed to upgrade it. The dungeons can be done twice a day and either solo or with a group.

The next thing players can take on are guardian raids – which Force describes as being like Monster Hunter battles. Players are dropped into a map and must search for the boss. While there will occasionally be trash mobs, the majority of guardian raids focus on being a boss fight…with restrictions. For instance, the number of times players and their team can be revived is limited, as is the number of consumables they can use. Players are really going to have to plan ahead and watch the damage. Interestingly, these raids are intended to be done twice a day and players will want to do that if they want to get their hands on all the useful items they drop.

Players who want to go it alone can take on the Tower. This solo-activity tasks players with climbing the floors of a tower that become progressively more difficult and offer better and better rewards. Each floor has its own objectives that players need to complete within a set time limit to unlock the related reward and the next floor.

In covering the content, Force also discusses sailing, which was covered in a previous video. Then he moved on to the stronghold system. It’s player housing that features upgrades and progression for itself. It’s also where players will want to go to craft and offers a sort of follower system involving more sailing.

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In this article: Lost Ark, Amazon Games.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

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Discussion (2)

kateelisabeth 2 years ago
As a loyal Lost Ark player, I'm really looking forward to Lost Ark's first competitive season of Proving Grounds content, Heroes of Arkesia. In order to perform well in the competition, I think I should prepare enough Lost Ark Gold in advance from https://www.mmowts.com/lost-ark-gold

Flintstone 3 years ago
I'm a player in the dark I do what i do when i do and I really do not follow a line that's forward as i will go backwards and sideways or jump over the ledge. :)

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