Line of Defense Beta Signups

MMOBomb Staff
MMOBomb Staff Posted:

3000AD rolled out beta signups for their upcoming online shooter Line of Defense.

Line of Defense is a free-to-play sci-fi MMOFPS in which thousands of players fight for the control of bases, continents and planets in the far reaches of space. Set in the same expansive universe of their classic Battlecruiser 3000AD, Line of Defense gives players a vast array of gameplay possibilities, as they craft character classes that suit their play styles and battle across land, water, air and space.

For more information on Line of Defense, visit the game's website at

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: Line of Defense.

Discussion (12)

blackjoker86 13 years ago
what is this crap i agree with lazykoala you do rarely see a trailer this ugly XP

Csylos 13 years ago
Was it just me or did this trailer look like it was made from "claymation"? The game might not be too bad, but DEAR GOD, this trailer is the ugliest thing I've ever seen.

Xazur 13 years ago
So same thing as Eve online's mmofps, Dust w/e.

zoren580 13 years ago
ima have to play this till GRO goes open beta since ubisoft wont gimme a fkin key

Lazykoala 13 years ago
You rarely see a trailer this ugly eh

Rinor 13 years ago
Was i the only one put off this game because of the horrible looking trailer? i mean u can atleast give some extra thought into the trailer instead of just..... this...

ZaneLear 13 years ago
Looked interesting I guess, I will look into this more, now... can we get Huxley? xD

cacalips 13 years ago
That was an epicly cheesy trailer, super classicly horrible. I will be trying this. So great!

Norrinradd 13 years ago
The early onces usually are bad because the often times they are created by the developers and not a secondary production company. I try not to judge by them just allow them to give me a glimpse of the games mechanics

Zalor 13 years ago
I'm sorry but that trailer was horrible....

Norrinradd 13 years ago
I will give her a go

ParkPants 13 years ago
Looks interesting. Will be looking at this one.

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