LEGO Minifigures Online Shows Off Shiny New Website, Trailer, Guy In Chicken Suit
Funcom's LEGO Minifigures Online has spruced up its Internet presence, unleashing a new website, trailer, and beta access, as well as declaring that the game will launch in the summer of 2014.
The video gives a surprising amount of insight into how the game will play, offering up an MMO-esque trinity in the form of defender, striker, and builder characters. Defenders and strikers seem to fit the tank and DPS roles, so you'd imagine builders are more about support and healing, though they're only described as being "better at building" than other minifigs. Maybe, keeping in line with the console LEGO titles, there are no actual "healers," per se, but just plenty of opportunities to build cool stuff. I'm OK with that.
A few classes are profiled, including the DJ who literally "drops the bass," a Viking woman, a Revolutionary War soldier, and a guy in a chicken suit. That's pure win.
Also of note: PC and tablet players occupy the same servers, and it looks like there are a multiple interesting boss battles spread out over different worlds.
By signing up for an account, you can register for a beta and start exploring the site for stars, which allow you to "level up" your account and reveal more minifigures. In researching this article, I got up to level 3, learning important facts like how Chicken Suit Guy started off as a fast-food mascot but now travels the world in search of adventure. I
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Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Not all the answers are substantive, but there's a few key pieces of info here for players.

You're both pilot and engineer. If your mech has issues, you'll be the one fixing them.

And a new update brings quality-of-life improvements.

The MMORPG is already getting its first level cap increase as the catchup to the OG version begins.