Latest War Thunder Update Brings Ground Forces Open Beta
War Thunder's newly released 1.41 update has moved its tank-centered Ground Forces expansion off the closed beta assembly line and into open beta. Upon logging in, players may choose from their available tanks found in the new Army research tab before queuing up.
The switch to open beta was accompanied by a full progress wipe for those who participated in the Ground Forces closed beta, however all research progress going forward will be permanent. Update 1.41 also added several new aircraft while improving shadow performance and updating War Thunder's visual effects. A full list of changes can be found in the official changelog.
We took a look at Ground Forces during its closed beta and found it to be a serious contender for the current reigning champion World of Tanks. What do you think?
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Yes, early access will likely still have some wipes planned.

The update is smaller, but has quite a few rewards.

Some poses available in previous bundles will find other ways to be obtained.

New content, new stories, awesome animation, and more coming later this year.
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