Kotaku Details The "Culture Of Sexism" At Riot Games
Kotaku has a very long and very well-researched piece detailing what it calls "the culture of sexism at Riot Games." Work on the piece started in December, and writer Cecilia D'Anastasio spoke to 28 current and former employees of the League of Legends developer, male and female, for the piece.
For the most part, the article gives multiple examples of qualified female employees and potential hires being refused jobs or promotions because, as they saw it, they didn't fit into the "bro culture" of Riot -- defined by one person as "like working at a giant fraternity."
According to multiple sources in the article, Riot's definition of a "core gamer" is a nebulous concept used to exclude women from advancing within, or even being hired by, the company. One interviewee, who "has always played role-playing games" was asked if she "played 'real games like Call of Duty,'" ultimately leading to this line of questioning:
"In the end, he asked, 'If someone just met you, how would they know you’re a gamer?' I said, 'Well, I’m looking at my TV right now that has 16 game consoles plugged into it.'"
Several current Riot employees defended their company, acknowledging that while the company is male-dominated (80% of employees), efforts are being made to be as inclusive as possible. Another (male) employee, however, was dismissive of the claims. Kotaku summarizes his opinion, saying:
long-held ideas about who belongs at Riot are too entrenched to be fixable by interview training, repeated acknowledgements about the desire for change or rewriting Riot’s job descriptions and website copy.
A lot of the article is dedicated to the typical, though unfortunate, kind of sexism you hear about in a lot of companies: women being passed over for promotions, being talked over in meetings, and outright sexual harassment, like the sending of unsolicited dick pics. It's the "core gamer" gatekeeping that bugs me the most, especially at a company that works for a game known for its toxicity and generally elitist player base.
The article is long but it's worth a read, so go check it out.
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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You saw "kotaku" and "women" and it was enough to trigger you and make up your idea while dismissing the shit ton of evidence Kotaku collected over 6 months (from men women btw).
Now you're so mad that you're also attacking Jason who is literally just doing his job.
YOU are the problem in video game industry and keep being triggered by articles or POC minorities making it games. None of us are going away but the good racist industry standards that you like so much are and no one will ever cater to you. Deal.
- A Senior Black Producer at AAA Video Game Studios .
ahahahahahaha that cracks me up. If anyone at riot truly believes that CoD is a 'real game' they're either all 10 yr olds or hipsters that think they're nerds/geeks because they watch Big Bang Theory.
That's like asking a doctor if they do any "real medical practice", like putting band-aids on "boo-boos."
I mean shit, female-only places do this all the time and it's perfectly fine. But this isn't even male-exclusive, just male dominated. So it's an issue. Honestly, fuck anyone who believes in this double standard garbage and double screw anyone who promotes it. This is hugely disappointing mmobomb. If this becomes the kind of thing that is common article here, then that's just one less good site unfortunately.
And why do people run to journalists to complain about all this, while they don't even try to negotiate with the management? If their work is valuable, they will get a raise when they demand it, if it isn't, then there was no reason to complain to begin with...
They thrive on drama.