Kingdom Hearts Gets Free-to-Play Treatment
I should have known that in an effort to further slice the Kingdom Hearts series into increasingly obscure spin offs, someone would have eventually thought to make a Free-to-Play Kingdom Hearts game. Low and behold the announcement of Kingdom Hearts X (pronounced chi) has shown us that someone has indeed ventured down that path.
Those of you hoping for a game with combat similar to the Playstation 2 or recent PSP title are unfortunately out of luck. According to a blog post on the official Japanese Square Enix site, the new game will be browser based and appears to use some form of the card combat system found in Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories. The post talks about players using strategic battle cards acquired in game in order to confront enemies.
If you happen to pre-order Kingdom Hearts 1.5 HD Remix (what a complicated name for a game), you will be awarded some in-game items for Kingdom Hearts X including a Sora (R+) card, 20,000 munny and 4,000 draw points. The cards are obviously used in battle while munny is used to synthesize cards and draw points can be traded in for new cards. The game itself is being developed by Success Corporation, whose previous titles include Operation Darkness, Metal Saga, and Tokyo Beat Down. I keep telling myself one of these days they will actually announce Kingdom Hearts 3. One of these days...
Thanks Siliconera for the news.
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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p.s.: even on easy mode i still can't beat seforoth
Is this going to be another "Camon Hero" thing where 50%+ of gameplay is based around cards?
If they pull it off, you can bet that I'll be playing it.
My reservations however are due to the fact that this is SE's first attempt at a F2P MMO (if you don't count the FFXIV fiasco).
First i read Kingdom Hearts goes f2p and i am like WOHOO NIIIIICE
then i read the article mentioning its card game and i was like "oh well too bad another p2w mmo"
i mean i really hope it wont be p2w but most card f2p mmos i've played so far(1 of em is yugioh for example)are p2w and i really dont like card games anymore just cause of the "p2w' factor in them but we will see what happens with this one
CoM combat doesn't sound too bad, I enjoyed that game too.