Kickstarter Seeking Funds To Build Free-To-Play Cyberpunk MMO
Exile Gaming Studio recently launched a Kickstarter to raise funds for their dystopian cyberpunk MMO, Exile Online. The company is currently seeking a little over $43K to aid in the development of the project.
The game -- which is inspired by the likes of Bladerunner, Akira, Deus Ex, and other popular Cyberpunk themed IPs -- takes place a "sci-fi dystopian, cyberpunk universe." It features a variety of sandbox elements, incluing player housing, an economy, cybernetic implants, and even politics.
Currently the game has raised $1,623... but the Kickstarter is barely under way. If it succeeds, Exile Gaming Studio estimates delivery of the project around March 2017.
About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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Every time I see another pirate MMO game I get excited, but I've been burned before so I'll be cautious this time.

Cyclops will be available as part of the game’s first season.

It seems “infinite” means “enough to accommodate all our players”.

Complete the Peaky Blinders family with the Battle Pass.
This was forecast from quite early on, but even though it was a failure in terms of securing the funds we were looking for, the extreme volume of PR and word spreading we achieved made it well worthwhile alone, with various articles and entries on gaming websites here and there.
We have gotten a lot of feedback regarding the game, most of it very positive and constructive. From this, we have been able to come to a few major conclusions as to why we were unsuccessful this time around.
Needless to say we will be taking that feedback aboard and will action the points bought up so they are sorted out as a matter of urgency in our current development phase.
The things we will be concentrating on most, from the above mentioned feedback will be -
- Gameplay content such as mission and npc systems
- Character enhancements
- Lighting and shading work
Thank you to everyone that pledged and to all of those that helped us spread the word about the campaign. Development will continue unabated so stay tuned for updates in the coming months.
While we will not be in a state ready to have a public stall set up demoing the game, we will still be there and will be able to meet other developers and gamers.
Let us know if you are attending this year and we can all meet up and have a little Q&A.
We think the quality is massively improved over what it was originally.
A community that isn't toxic, and gives things a chance. That be something pretty intuitive as a GUI and game engine, now wouldn't it?
Ridiculous community aside, I'd say you devs have a fine piece of work in the making. Rough around around the edges right now, sure. But an Cyber-Punk MMO with already a heavy Blade Runner feel... Is definitely an area that needs to be touched on more in this day and age of "congested" gamers. Love the music that's in this video, and how close to something Vangelis would give... Love it. Keep it up, and at the start of June you'll have another donator for the game.
Also as a developer myself, and someone who has played around with The Hero Engine. Don't listen to these "vultures" thinking they know what's best for development. If there's one thing Hero Engine is good at... It's the ability to give the team complete real-time collaboration in every needed aspect when working with your team. Good choice of software in my books. Games like Runescape show that graphics mean nothing. If the game-play exceeds the visuals, so just go with what you want... Not what others outside of your teams vision want.
Good luck on Exile Online's development, and again... Blade Runner esque MMO is something I've been waiting on for a long time.
GL nonetheless, always better to support indie teams than korean crappy theme-park copy-pastas.
Yeah people, make sure to trow your money at them, developers and publishers love to take advantage of naive little kids.
"Exile Online goes buy to play"