Just Deserts: Pearl Abyss Close to Bringing Black Desert to NA and EU
MMOCulture is reporting via a Korean website that Pearl Abyss is "in the final phase of negotiations" with a well-known publisher in North America and Europe to bring Black Desert to Western shores.
We ooh-ed and aah-ed over Black Desert's character creator a few months ago and loved the flashy (and MOUNTED!) combat, and it's been one of the few Korean MMOs to achieve widespread interest in the West in recent years.
What "familiar" company do you think would be the best fit for Black Desert in the West?
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Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Yeah...I bet there's other reasons, too.

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You've named a few, trashy companies to publish these games.
SOE would be a decent publisher, Trion Worlds wouldn't be terrible either.
You goons keep saying things like Nexon and Aeria games. What the hell is wrong with you? These aren't shitty f2p shooters or sidescrolling MMORPGs. The developers of Black Desert won't hand it over to some money grabbing company. I doubt there'll be much of a cash shop in this game, as asian MMORPG developers and publishers are realizing that no one likes that shit, except for cosmetics.
A: Costumes, consumables (cosmetics, furniture), no there will not be EXP potions we’re very focused on ensuring our game is not P2W. We’re still talking over if we will have a cash shop, while we leaning more F2P, we are considering many other options.
1. EA = Will ruin it with DLC craps and bad decisions and forcing release dates
2. Trion = Will ruin it the casual way and charging a lot of money for stuff that was once free and invite only to get actual testers in and not just streamers to stream the game
3. SOE / ProSieben = Pay2Win incoming, no support and ruining the experience with an overall bad service
4. Gameforge = Do i have to say anything else here? That company is lead by random guys not knowing a single thing about games
5. Nexon = Bad publisher with 0 community work when it comes do decisions
6. Aeria = Pay2Win and fooling players with false advertisement
(7. Steam, but it's more a distributer, that takes 20% off of every purchase made)