Japan Sees Mass Free-to-Play MMO Shutdown
Originally reported on by Steparu, Japan has seen a mass shutdown of many Free-to-Play MMOs scheduled for the upcoming months. Starting in late February and progressing through May, publishers in Japan will close over fifteen online titles including some well known MMORPGs such as Argo Online, Ecol Tactics, Concerto Gate, Corum Online, Prius, and Hellgate. While this doesn't mean these same MMOs will also be closing in the west (that's usually up to the region specific publisher to decide), it certainly isn't a good sign.
You can often get a sense of a foreign MMOs future in the West by looking at what's happening to it in the East. Case in point, TERA Online began having issues and went F2P in the East long before those same events transpired in the West. Ecol Tactics only just recently launched its English closed beta which has me wondering whether the MMO's time in the West will be short-lived.
Steparu has included a nice timeline detailing when each game is set to close which you can check out here.
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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all asians companys in MMO games are greedy.
so good to know that they went off, and i hope they all go that way.
Hope this trend starts back up again. Couldn't care less for main-stream idiots who've invaded gaming and the turn of greed on the publisher's and developers sides.
Let's keep our games clean and censorship free from the tyranny they suffer when they go to phobic west-ward. Atleast then the real fans will be able to enjoy the games they wanted with no b.s. involved. If I have to play another censored JP or KR game i'm just not going to give them my money period. It's a waste and i'll just stick to my movies and books instead.
Hoping Scarlet Blade is next.
What worries me is that so many developers and publishers have hopped onto the "Tease and hype years before launch" bandwagon that MMO news these days are so irrelevant to real-time. This whole industry is a mess right now. And the hyping up of MMOs trend should stop, really.
Ecol Tactics had potential but they are too greedy for their own good. The only decent alternative for a srpg style mmo imo is Wakfu and you pretty much have to be a vip account to enjoy that one so I wish some decent tactical rpgs would pop up in the free to play scene. Hellgate used to be awesome but it never caught on and somehow it went from having perfect english in the paid version to looking like someone translated it to korean then back to english with google translate or something and i refused to play because of that and the fact that they DOWNGRADED the graphics. Prius wasn't bad but it wasn't anything astounding. Most of these are victim of living in the shadow of bigger games that have since become free like other users commented though.
Its somehow sad that they are going to shut down so many games in that time but...there are so many games out there, it makes your head spin. Many games are just a waste. If the game is good, then there is a chance that the company gives you some bad expirience.
Better close these few games that not really someone will miss instead of having a new videogame crash because of too many crappy games.
A cute turn-based game that I could just play along to while doing homework...
Too bad Gamecampus never opened it up.
prius starting back up in west
ecol tactics shutting down in japan
ecol tactics beta ongoing in the west,
ive seen enough * to know where this is going
seriously that game was great just make it B2P with updated graphics and advertise with a good publisher and that game would be great.
can't believe it's going to be gone...maybe I should play it now before it's gone for good.