Jane Austen MMO on Kickstarter. Really.
Who says there are no new MMO ideas these days?
New to Kickstarter is Ever, Jane, an MMORPG by 3 Turn Productions set in the Regency Period of England, the time of the literary works of Jane Austen.
No, really. We're not making this up.
"Instead of destroying dragons, we use gossip to destroy our enemies," explains 3 Turn CEO Judy Tyrer in the video for the project. "While traditional MMOs have epic raids, we have extravagent balls." Characters have personality traits like kindness, happiness, and duty, and can send invitations to people they like while spreading vicious rumors -- or should it be rumours? -- about those they don't, the equivalent of the game's PvP. There are a host of minigames in the works, representing such genteel hobbies as dinner parties, balls, landscaping, sewing, and embroidery.
The game's prototype, which you can download and play, has a small village and limited character options. According to Tyrer, the goal of the Kickstarter is to expand the game, offering larger estates, parsonages, and cities.
According to the FAQ, Ever, Jane will use a hierarchical revenue model, whereby free players are essentially dirty peasants who have three months to find a job or starve. Wait, is that permadeath? This game is hardcore! Incremental payments will raise your standing in life, all the way up to a royal estate, title, and your own town for $50. Which may not seem like much, but this is early 19th century England, where $50 (or the equivalent in pounds) would go a long way.
So, if you've always wanted to roleplay a proper pre-Victorian lady or handsome foppish rogue -- and who hasn't? -- here's a chance to make your dreams a reality. Pip pip!
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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When it comes to raiding, dragon's are a fairly common sight.
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PC release is still on track for sometime this year.

Every time I see another pirate MMO game I get excited, but I've been burned before so I'll be cautious this time.

Fans of Overcooked will likely want to check this one out.

I can't wait to see what players create with the upcoming tools.
pledged of $100,000 goal
days to go
Political games can be more vicious than any murder.
But then again, that kind of game will require professionally done tech side.
I can see some girls getting into this game, maybe...? No, no...no.
I may enjoy making female characters in MMOs, but being a bitchy gossiping teenager doesn't sound appealing to me...at all.
It sounds like a less mature Second Life, and that's a disturbing thought.
Here comes one that's completely different from the rest... and it's shot down even before having a chance.
Personally, I think it's an interesting concept. Not often do players have the chance to use cunning instead of a store bought +10 vorpal sword of p2w to further their goals.
If there was a naked version of this game, i might give it a try :)
A game with political fighting and ballroom fancies isn't going to go well with gamers who are attracted by dragons, swords, flashy spells neither to say the ones that are more into anime style, fantasy style and sci fi style mmorpgs'. i agree with everyone so far, this game might be going towards the more innocent route but its going to fall pretty hard.
But nope..this does not bode well.
But honestly, while the creativity is great, the though is awefull.. it just does not sound fun... and honestly it sounds like highschool and no one wants to go back there.
Good luck lady