Jane Austen MMO Hits Kickstarter Goal: Mr. Darcy Can Finally Be Yours

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

Ever, Jane just squeaked by and reached their $100k Kickstarter goal, by giving pledge rewards like an "Associate producer" credit for $500 and a "Lead Producer" credit for $5000, in case you want to pizzazz your resume. This regal MMO will allow players to wield gossip as their weapon of choice, as you build your status through social ladder-climbing rather than slaughtering foes.

By reaching their $100k goal 3 Turn Productions can now turn their prototype into a fleshed out MMO. With a character customization system, and a mail system, in the works, Ever, Jane will also develop activities such as dinner parties, balls, hunting, sewing, fishing, and card games. Players will also eventually be able to travel between villages, and if you're fancy you can use a horse and buggy.

While it may be technically released as a free-to-play game in the future, there are definitely going to be some major perks for paying players. According to the Kickstarter page, the free-to-play option will allow "you to be a peasant and you have 3 months to find work or starve (or poach, but you can go to jail if you get caught)". The subscriptions range from $5-50, with the $50 option giving you a "royal title, an estate, and your own town".

Who doesn't want to own their own town?

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About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (21)

noclegi Szczawnica 11 years ago
Thanks Again. I'm impressed, I must say.Keep writing. I must say.Keep writing. Thanks for sharing, this is a fantastic blog post.

noclegi Szczawnica 11 years ago
Thanks on behalf of sharing, this is a fantastic blog post. Thanks Yet again. I'm impressed, I essential say.Deposit writing. I essential say.Deposit writing.

Allwynd 11 years ago
I play fantasy and sci-fi games, games allowing me to do things I can't do in real life - like being a hunter in WoW or a gunslinger in SWTOR.

This game looks like a SIMS MMO to me and I find Sims and other simulation games really disturbing and scary.

OMGFrogz 11 years ago

Someone slap me i just used that term.

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Eviil 11 years ago
People who love gossip will play this, and surprisingly, there is a lot of people who do. Not aimed at hardcore gamer, adults over the age of 35+. I have a family member who himself and his girlfriend play together in Second Life and they both meet a lot for people, he even got his mother of 70 years old to play. Everytime I come around and say whats up, they're both glued to the screen and always a ton of characters. Since he has a lot of MMO experience with several companies, if she does it right, it will be up there with second life.

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HuntSoto 11 years ago

Anon 11 years ago
What the hell is everyone's problem? Just because it isn't a generic fantasy mmorpg with action based combat doesn't mean it should get all this hate. People supported it which means there are people who are interested in playing.

Why the hell can't you people just go on you're merry way instead of flaming something that is just out of the ordinary?

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hovsep 11 years ago
i would to talk to myself cause i need help of a professional

Flevalt 11 years ago
- Run around and gossip about people that aren't near you
- Role-play
- Mini games

So basically it's a game where you just gossip all the time(imagine going around just clicking on other persons and selecting "gossip about XX".
And if you're bored of the monotonous clicking then you play mini-games.
And the role play isn't a feature by itself. You can create any online game you want and add "RP" to the name of the server and suddenly it's a role playing focused server.
If there are no in-built features in the game that support the role playing aspect then there's no difference to any other game. You could just go around playing mini-games all the time and not role play at all.

The good side is that because there are hardly any games that aim to create a role playing experience, this game will be an addition to the small market of RP games.

Nice going granny

Anonimoose 11 years ago
This will be a major flop. trust me. Joke MMO of the Century.

Anon 11 years ago
...dear god, it's a dark day.

Granted it's still going to crash and burn upon arrival, but still.
All that money wasted could've gone to support real games.

chefmadness 11 years ago

rockandroll89 11 years ago
I'll be giving this a try even though it's very likely i much not like it, but I do like second-life so I would give it a try anyway.

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Wow 11 years ago
I cant believe this, guess miracles do happen.

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Humor 11 years ago
April Fools!... Hey wait a minute... It's not April yet...

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