Iran bans most female League of Legends champions during tournament
Iran has decided to ban a majority of the female champions in League of Legends from being played in the WCG 2013 Game Festival.
According to the official rules (which are in Persian) the following champions are all banned from Competition:
Ahri, Akali, Ashe, Caitlyn, Cassiopia, Elise, Evelyn, Irelia, Janna, Karma, Katarina, Leblanc, Miss Fortune, Morgana, Nidalee, Orianna, Riven, Shyvana, Sivir, Sona, Soraka, Syndra, Vi, and Zyra.
The debate still rages whether or not to allow Diana, Fiora, Karma(traditional skin only), Kayle, Leona, Lissandra, Lulu, Lux, Nami, Quinn, Sejuani, Tristana, Vayne in tournament play.
The reason for the blanket bans can be traced back to the Iranian governments Islamic roots. In order for the tournament to be considered legal, tournament organizers are required to ask for the governments approval to have the event. This means the decision lies with the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance a.k.a the "Ershad".
Apparently the Iranian government is enforcing the religious practice of forbidding the exposure of a woman's body other than hands and feet. Considering that Fiora and Vayne are on the maybe list, it makes me wonder if they've actually seen all the skins, Headmistress Fiora and Heartseeker Vayne anyone?
One other curious rule revolves around Annie. While not at all sexually depicted, in order to play Annie, players must lower their headset volume.
It is noteworthy to mention that this is Iran's first participation in the World Cyber Games. However, their progress forward in society (and certainly their progress competitively) has surely been hampered by this decision.
The question now is, will Iran demand Riot enforce the decision for all teams participating in the event? Surely not, but I can't imagine Iran would ban these champions from play only to allow them to be playable by other teams while in a match with Iranian players. What do you think will happen?
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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If you think things have been a little TOO foggy sometimes, the team agrees.

The final chapter of its Atoraxxion cooperative dungeon storyline arrives this month, too.

Yes, I would very much like to try this one.

It’s been in the works for a while, and now it’s finally here.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Iran can be vocal about banning female characters, and Riot can just move the tournament. In the latter case, i doubt anyone would be suprised. To each his own.
MMOBomb! The best place to argue about politics and religion!
e.g : women rights,education,medicine,science ....etc
They should stop living in the passed...
its pixels for crying out loud. if a religious person can play counter strike which depicts killing people... im sure they can play a very cartoonish MOBA with female characters...
freedom of religion, sure. but have some common sense and maturity first.
and not FIORA or SEJUANI
SEJUANI IS RIDING A PIG with smal amount of clotes!
im muslim but THIS is redicules
I spent a while hunting grammar mistakes >:C
However,if they choose to expand and fight players from other countries like NA,that's not going to fly,can't play when 3/4ths of the game is gone.
Also, first time I am the first poster, so mounted ^-^