Hyper Universe Producer's Letter Details Monetization Plans For Launch

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

CWAVESOFT's side-scrolling brawler Hyper Universe doesn't have too much longer until it officially launches, moving out of payed Early Access to full-blown free-to-play. In fact, the game will launch in mid-January -- just a few weeks away.

Since it's arriving just after the new year... and since it's kind of a tradition for game developers to issue a producer's letter around this time... the game's Producer Hyun K. decided to use this opportunity to discuss the game's soon-to-be monitization model. As noted in the letter, the development team intends for Hyper Universe to be a "true free-to-play game". They want to assure equal entry to all players and that money spent on the game doesn't grant anyone advantages over other players.

In an effort to assure this is the case, CWAVESOFT has decided that players will only "pay for bling". The cash shop will consists of Hyper skins ranging in price from $6 to $13 depending on how much effort was put into creating them. So, if you'd like that shiny new skin that comes with additional voice work, you'll be paying more.

In addition, there will be packs containing Hypers, skins, slots, and emotes available. These will not be random loot boxes. There are no plans to add RNG items and equipment can only be bought with the in-game currency.

Speaking of unlocking Hypers. You will not have to purchase them with real cash -- although you can pick them up at $5 a pop. Those looking to keep their money can opt to unlock hypers with GP earned through the game's crafting system. Each hyper unlock costs 15K GP. Players will also be given additional GP and Hyper Coupons at specific levels to allow them to obtain even more Hypers.

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In this article: Nexon, Hyper Universe, CwaveSoft.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

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Discussion (3)

deja vu 7 years ago
I remember the time Nexon's NA branch penned a "Free to Play Pledge" saying repeatedly that Combat Arms will never let you pay for an advantage period. They stayed true to it for the first few months. They gradually edited and removed sections from it over the years and then quietly deleted it altogether when they couldn't contort it any further.

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