Hop into ArcheAge's Open Beta starting today
Ahead of ArcheAge's official launch set for September 16th, Trion Worlds has kicked off a limited Open Beta period for the craft-centric MMORPG starting today, September 4th and concluding on Monday, September 8th. During this period, all character progress from the previous Closed Beta will remain.
Unlike other Open Beta's which usually represent a 'soft-launch' for most MMO's and drone on for months; all servers will be wiped following the Open Beta in preparation for ArcheAge's Head Start, which gives those who purchased a Founders pack a four-day leveling lead starting on September 12th.
It should be mentioned, Trion has been dealing with DDoS issues overnight aimed at all of the studio's services including ArcheAge. Because of this, players may find their Open Beta experience intermiddetly interrupted due to the massive influx of Open Beta players combined with the persistent DDoS attack. Details regarding the situation can be found here.
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Trion Worlds had a slew of news to dole out at PAX this weekend, the biggest of which is certain to be the announcement of the launch date for XLGames' sandbox MMO ArcheAge, which Trion is publishing in the West. The offici...
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