History Lesson: Chaos Heroes Online Gameplay video details game's old-school origins
While many MOBA's are trying their hardest to keep themselves from being compared to the genre's origins; sometimes going so far as to create splinter-genres, Chaos Heroes Online isn't afraid to face its past. In fact, it embraces it. A new video from Aeria Games dives headfirst into the forgotten history of the original DoTA and the events which led to the birth of Chaos Heroes Online.
To many, DotA Allstars is known as being the "original" DotA. It was in fact, one of many spin-offs at the time, which just so happened to find extreme popularity due to its added features. Another version called DotA: Chaos found an audience among players in South Korea.
So while DotA Allstars eventually became DotA 2, Dota: Chaos apparently became Chaos Heroes Online. Since both are based on the original Warcraft 3 mod, it's for this reason Chaos Heroes Online shares similar traits with other versions of DotA.
But while Chaos Heroes shares similarities with its brethren, it also differs from them by retaining many more RTS components; all of which were designed to provide faster-paced and more intense action.'
As someone who only played a handful of games in DotA Allstars, but whose got several hundred hours of playtime in DotA 2. The idea of trying out another 'legitimate' iteration of DotA is appealing to some degree.
What are your thoughts on Chaos Heroes Online's past?
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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Don't forget the "Guest Pass Edition" if you have a friend that bought the game.

Ollie's Crash Course even offers a new racing mini-game for you and your Atomicycle.

PC release is still on track for sometime this year.
So all in all, I have nothing against the game, go for it guys. However I don't see the game getting released in the west without aeria messing it up through the cash shop.
I think it's pretty cool. One thing though...Valve recently released their Source 2 editor for Dota 2...and people have already been remaking all their favourite old maps as well as porting current games such as LoL (with all the champions, brush, jungle buffs etc.) to it. If say someone were to remake DotA: Chaos in it...and considering Dota 2's popularity (second in the genre to LoL)...there's a strong likelihood that Chaos Heroes Online wouldn't really make that much of an impact compared to the rest of the games.