Hi-Rez Studios Announces Global Agenda 2
With Tribes: Ascend and their upcoming MOBA Smite, it looks like Hi-Rez will be returning to familiar ground for their latest title.
In a forum post the studio acknowledged the fact that the original Global Agenda taught the studio a lot about developing content, performance optimization, balancing, free-to-play revenue models and more. The company sent out surveys several months ago to gauge where they would like to see GA improved the most. Apparently the overwhelming majority of the responses were to "release a new version of GA 'GA2' with a PvP focus."
And so that is what Hi-Rez is doing. The new version will use a lot of the original GA assets, some of the maps, and some of the game modes but will include new maps, game modes, class weapons, and be built on their newest platform. The sequel will also be focused on PvP with no open world elements planned at this time.
Its strange that Hi-Rez would focus on making the GA series completely PvP based. Some of what really made the original Global Agenda unique was the co-op story missions and raids. Hi-Rez already has a successful futuristic PvP focused shooter with Tribes so making Global Agenda 2 focused on the same genre seems a bit confusing.
Global Agenda 2 is expected to begin beta testing in the middle of 2013. Where you fans of the original Global Agenda? Do you think Global Agenda 2 will fill a niche not currently filled by Tribes: Ascend? Let us know!
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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WTF 10% of his hp from being hit in the nose with the highest powered sniper rifle possible .
seriously that should have been a 1 hit kill and if they make GA2 anything like that . i am not gonna play it even if its free.
i will play games with good sence to have such thing as headshots = 1 hit kill like warz
They should have made PvP possible on the map or something like that and not ruin the missions.
but im glad cause i always like global agenda ...
and by the way i got an email few week ago with the survey asking me what to do with global agenda new dlc or whole new game ... i see they go with the second ... cool :)