Hi-Rez Staff Opens Up About Mental Health And Seeking Help
It's not official Mental Health Awareness Month, so it might be a bit surprising to see a company publishing a video on the topic...especially when they're in the business of making games. Of course, it's nice to know that it's something that they're thinking about, even when there's no hashtag-related benefit to be gained from it.
Today, Hi-Rez Studios strayed a bit from their normal game and satire videos to address the more serious topic of opening up about mental health. The video features four Hi-Rez employees talking about issues they've had, the impact it's had on their lives, and what they're doing about it.
Mental health is an important topic -- and one that often gets brushed over for a variety of reasons. As a result, it can be stigmatized and people go without getting the assistance they need. Sadly, this very often doesn't end the way one would hope.
But, for those that have a good support system -- whether it be friends, family, or coworkers -- and are encouraged to seek therapy and other appropriate treatments, things can get better.
Not long after Hi-Rez posted this video on their twitter, a former staff member decided to open up about her experiences noting that, in addition to posting videos, the company was very supportive of her doing the things she needs to do to improve her mental health. It's nice to see they also walk the walk.
I asked her if I could share her tweets -- because aside from seeing what her employer did to help her -- it's important for people to see others being open about their situations. As she noted when he agreed, talking about it was even hard for her to do. It's hard for any of us to do.
I'm a happier, healthier person now because I got help. You don't have to be in a crisis situation to go to therapy. You deserve to be free of any negative feelings that are impacting your work, school, social life or overall happiness. https://t.co/Jy5OPcjeMf
— Andee (@SrirachaCupcake) July 26, 2019
If any of you find yourself needing help, there are numbers you can call or, if you're like me and hate talking on the phone, text. There are even services that will pair you with a therapist online.
- National Suicide Prevention Lifeline:
1-800-273-8255 (English)
1-888-628-9454 (Español) - Samaritans (UK):
116 123 - Crisis Text Line:
Text HOME to 741741 - For international crisis centers:
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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