Hi-Rez Job Listing Teases Unannounced Game (And Company?), SMITE Grows 41%

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

Well, here's a little bit of a mystery for everyone. Today on Twitter, Hi-Rez CEO Stewart Chisam dropped a tweet letting everyone know that there are several job opening at the various companies under the Hi-Rez umbrella. For those who may not follow the company closely, Hi-Rez itself took up more of a publisher position a good while back, spinning off several companies under its umbrella -- each of which handle the development of a specific game. For instance, Titan Forge Games is responsible for Smite (which grew over 41% between the last 2 seasons according to another Chisam tweet) while First Watch Games handles Rogue Company.

While peeking at the listings posted, we noticed two things. First, Red Beard Games, which still doesn't have a game title associated with it yet, has openings for several positions to work on an unannounced game. Based on the listings we know that whatever is being created is being done in Unreal 4. We did do a quick search for trademarks and the most recent thing we came up with was the mention of something titled Divine Knockout that was trademarked a year ago. So... Maybe there's a fighting game in the works?

The other thing we noticed was the big "UNANNOUNCED" at the bottom of the page with three listings under it. If you pay attention to the formatting, you'll notice that with the exception of "PUBLISHING" right at the top, the big bold entries are saved for the company names. Add to that the fact that each company at Hi-Rez handles a single game, and it looks like another company (and game) may be on the way. Whatever this game is also appears to be being developed in Unreal 4. And, based on the requirements in the job listings, it's set to be competitive multi-player (which isn't a stretch considering what Hi-Rez is known for). At this point, Mike's guessing a team shooter since one of the jobs says shooter experience is a plus. I'm less certain because Palandins and Rogue company exist. That said, there's a wide range of shooter types, so anything is possible.

Of course, this is all just speculation on our part. But the job listings are there -- which reminds me: Here's the link if you'd like to apply. The tweet did note that most openings are flexible with location and support remote work within the US or UK. So why not give it a try?

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: Smite, Hi-Rez Studios, Rogue Company.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

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Discussion (1)

TreadHead 4 years ago
Divine Knockout is probably a Smite themed fighting games since Riot has a LoL themed one in the works.

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