Heroes of the Storm Kicks Off Closed Beta

Jason Winter
By Jason Winter, News Editor Posted:

The technical alpha is dead! Long live the closed beta!

Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm MOBA inched closer to full release today with the start of the closed beta for the game. It's not all bug fixes and general tweaking either; the closed beta brings all sorts of major changes to the game, including:

* A new hero, World of Warcraft's

You can read the Thrall, Warchief of the Horde
* A new three-lane battleground, Sky Temple
* The first iteration of Hero League, aka Ranked Play
* Weekly sales in the shop, starting today and kicking off every Monday

You can read the full patch notes here. As of this writing, the servers are still down for maintenance, but Heroes of the Storm should be available later today. Not playing yet? You can sign up for the beta here.

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In this article: Blizzard, Heroes Of The Storm.

About the Author

Jason Winter
Jason Winter, News Editor

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.

More Stories by Jason Winter

Discussion (11)

terror 10 years ago
ppl that think hots gonna be p2w should be charged 50 euro too too play the game and than start with 1 hero and no free rotation serious

i love the scrubs the scream stuff while they barely know what the shortcut of the game stands for
ppl that think this is p2p go play lol again plz neer even bother too come here .

hope we can enjoy this community till the the type of players that state bullshit like and still try the game and whine even in there...

till than dw all my heros are 5 i got my bonus ;) and i took my fav hero for the starting cash so yea pay2win fo sho maybe in the world ur living in stay there we dont want ppl like u here k thx.
ppl this this meant for go play mobile games there u can wine p2p qq :D

Balboa 10 years ago
All negative comments posted here either have no taste or they are just imbeciles. Thesis the best moba I've played compared to over 500 matches from lol, dota2, smite and strife each. Blizzard makes master pieces!!!

Rust 10 years ago
If you haven't played it... Don't say anything. I found it much more enjoyable than LoL or DoTA.. Also funner than strife. This coming from someone who HATES almost all MoBA's of this genre. Its core is also different than most. So at least watch a full video before you pre-judge it.

zzz 10 years ago
Brainless blizzshit, another generic moba clone, ppl leave this jew nest and look what they delivering, crap after crap.

Superkingmario 10 years ago
Best MOBA I have played and I have over 2,000 matches in LOL and DOTA 2 each. Played smite, strife, HON, all of them, none as as fun as this one.

View 1 reply
extasist 10 years ago
i signed up for this game when it was announced, and still no key.

EdmondDantes 10 years ago
I got Blood Moon Akali and i love it.BTW guys i playng from season 2 and i still love this game ( and no im not bronze ).Have FUN

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