Heroes Of The Storm Hits Open Beta With New Trailer
Heroes of the Storm doesn't officially launch until June 2, but if you haven't gotten into the game yet and want to take it for a spin, you can do so starting right about... now.
Blizzard's MOBA is now in open beta, allowing anyone with a Battle.net account to download and play the game. To commemorate the event, Blizzard's got a new-ish trailer, featuring a mix of gameplay footage and video from the various character introductions.
With over 30 heroes from Blizzard's various properties already planned, and players having had lots of time to practice and hone their strategies, it should be all systems go from Day One. Which is actually now. Or maybe June 2. Really, when does a game like this actually "launch"? That's probably a topic for another time...
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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Speaking of MOBAs and Steam, Victory Command Battle Arena is now available on Steam Early Access.
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We've all thought they've been doing so for months, but now it's confirmed.

This was the most likely outcome after mass layoffs hit the team.

It's something to do, I guess.

The royal seneschal is working on something new… and of course he needs help.
Wow, easy mode mmorpg that lost its core fame to cater to ADD children.
Hearthstone. Took card game genre, dumbed it down to small table fast rounds, derp rule sets for speed (blocking mechanism and builds).
Now MOBA dumb down.... Blizzard. Not even once.
HOTS is the funnest and best MOBA I have played. It is not as complex as DOTA 2, but the variety of maps and the teamwork that the game encourages makes it just a lot more enjoyable to play. Also, games are usually 12-20 mins max. So you can play more and not rage over a 60min game you just lost due to some jungler that wanted to be a hero late game like in other MOBAs.
-Team based gameplay (requires communication)
-Multiple maps to play on
-Fast paced quick thinking gameplay
-Interesting Heroes (from different Blizzard games)
The game does feel a little bit dumbed down but it still requires knowledge of MOBAs such as macro and micro (The Lost Vikings) mechanics. You still need to hit your skills shots and know how and when to use your cc and how to control vision and map awareness. I played a game of league after awhile of playing some HoTS and it was just terribly boring and slow. But at the end of the day I'm 14, what the fuck do I know?
tl;dr- The game has fast paced team based gameplay and can be great if you let it grow on you.