Hellgate London Stealths Its Way Onto Mobile

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

Well, this is a bit of a surprise. Remember Hellgate: London? That game that Flagship Studios released in 2007, and it lasted for about two years before being shut down and bought by HanbitSoft so they could rework it for Korea?

Well, it seems it's back... kinda. A mobile version of the game titled Hellgate: London FPS was released last week on Google Play. They didn't really advertise it -- except on their Facebook page it seems.

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In this article: Hellgate London, Hanbitsoft.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

More Stories by QuintLyn Bowers

Discussion (13)

devilr 9 years ago
sorry but this seems pretty retarded,i play the pc version and this look like crap ...

Grimmy 9 years ago
Funny cause i still have the OG CD version

Scobydobydo 9 years ago
It's worth mentioning that this isn't available in the UK, so ironically you can't play Hellgate London in London.

ThatOneHellgateFan 9 years ago


I loved this game.. I played the sh*t out of it when it was a SP game, played the sh*t out of it when it turned into an MMO..

And now this happens??

ron 9 years ago
if this game was F2P in 2007 it would be were league of legends is today lol but nope greedy = death . bad luck

Gahen 9 years ago
This game had style, too bad it was insanely underadvertised and the servers had a base latency of 3-400ms. But mobile FPS games are even enjoyable? I can't even see, how can this work out...

Fortegs 9 years ago
Ok then.. this caught me off guard, but hey i'll play it again for the sake of nostalgia. Hopefully they don't mess it up too much.

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Todoran 9 years ago
OK soooo HanbitON shuts down the PC version (Probably the best original concept MMO on the market that needed some atention and some investment)............. but rather investet in a Mobile version OKAAAAAAY.......... "cough" RETARDS! "cough"

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Barnacle 9 years ago
but, but...

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