Hearthstone's "Year Of The Raven" Will Contain Three Expansions
Blizzard is pretty big on lore with Hearthstone, so it should be no surprise that the game has its own astrological calendar, with a different sign for each year. For those of us that might have missed that fact, this past year was the year of the Mammoth. The new year -- which is just beginning -- is the year of the Raven, and the development team already has the whole thing planned out.
Ben Brode, the game's director, posted a Hearthside Chat yesterday that highlights some of the upcoming content and changes they have planned for the next year. The biggest thing of note?... There are three expansions set for the year. No, they haven't said what any of them are,but Brode did say they'll be announcing the first expansion "soon". Of course, astute players will probably be able to make some educated guesses based on the card backs teased in the video below.
Also of note is that with the new year, several card sets will be relegated to Wild with some being inducted into the Hall of Fame. These are: One Night in Karazhan, Mean Streets of Gadgetzhan, and Whispers of the Old Gods.
A new druid hero by the name of Lunara is being added. Players will need to win ten standard games in the new meta in order to get their hands on her. Other new game content includes the ability for players to create tournaments in game. From the information provided in the video and the official post, it looks like a fairly easy process.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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