Hearthstone Patch 26.4 Is Live Today, Featuring The Audiopocalypse Mini-Set With New Cards
Players can also look forward to the Epic Duels of Rock Legends special event and a new Tavern Brawl coming soon.
The Audiopocalypse is upon us.
Hearthstone just dropped Patch 26.4 today, introducing the Audiopocalypse Mini-Set — featuring 38 new cards with dual-class and remixed cards, as well as E.T.C. The set can be obtained through Festival of Legends packs or as a complete Mini-Set. There are two versions available for purchase too: the normal version for 2000 Gold, and the all-Golden version for 10,000 Gold, which includes a bonus Diamond copy of the Magatha Legendary minion.
Also, a special event called Epic Duels of Rock Legends will run from June 6 to June 20, offering event quests to earn Event XP and rewards. The Dark Wanderer Tavern Brawl, themed around Diablo, will return on June 7 and June 14, allowing players to face off against the Dark Wanderer and earn a special Lilith card back. Additionally, a new Tavern Brawl called "Battle of the Bands" will take place on June 21 and June 28, featuring a dungeon-run style gameplay where players try to win their way onto the main stage and face E.T.C.
Moreover, Battlegrounds gets two new heroes: Inge, the Iron Hymn, and Cap’n Hoggarr. Inge's abilities involve swapping minion Attack and Health based on the Tavern Tier, while Cap’n Hoggarr gains 1 Gold after buying a Pirate. Inge will be guaranteed in every game for the first two weeks, and Cap'n Hoggarr will be guaranteed in every Pirates game for the same period. Diablo will also be available as a hero in Battlegrounds for a limited time.
Finally, there are now Epic Emotes in Battlegrounds. These are animated emotes that can be equipped. Aside from all of the above, Duels mode will feature Diablo as a hero, with his original Hero Powers and Signature Treasures fully unlocked. He also receives a new Signature Treasure called Journey to the East. And last but not least, a new Active Treasure, the Stone of Jordan, has been added, granting temporary Attack and card draw benefits.
For more details on the card game's update, including bug fixes and game improvements, check out the patch notes.
Note: Activision Blizzard has been sued by California’s Civil Rights Department, alleging violations of California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act and Equal Pay Act. CEO Bobby Kotick is alleged to have known about the alleged violations within his company. These allegations have all been denied by Activision Blizzard and the company points to additional diversity and inclusion training as past examples of taking the accusations seriously at the time they were made.
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About the Author

Matthew “dinofries” D'Onofrio is a writer, content creator, podcaster and — most importantly — a gamer. With such a strong passion for video games and a severe case of FOMO, it's no surprise he always has his finger on the pulse of the gaming world. On the rare occasion Matt's away from a screen, you'll find him strumming away on his acoustic guitar or taking care of his cat Totoro.
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