Hardcore PvP Card Game Destiny’s Divide Highlighted During OTK Con

They’re event offering a special pack to players who grab the demo today, and play a game.

QuintLyn Bowers
By QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor Posted:

Destiny's Divide OTK Con Promo

Today, Asmongold hosted the all-online convention OTK Con on his Twitch stream highlighting more than 30 games. Of course, a lot of these games weren’t multiplayer (or were released long ago), causing them to not fall into our area of coverage. But there was something of interest. The stream included a “hardcore PvP card game” titled Destiny’s Divide. The game is designed for competitive players and features eleven heroes. Among its features, the devs boast no card restriction and a “heavily reduced deck RNG” and a focus on skill.

Among the other features mentioned is something called a SharedBoard. During a match, both players put three cards into a shared board. Two of the cards are banned, but the rest are put into the SharedBoard and shown to both players. If a player has the resources they can use any of these four cards – meaning a player can use their opponent's cards.

Another feature that uses revealed cards is something called a Heroic Being. This feature is intended to offer “consistency”. Both players choose a being card from their deck that they can play at any time, provided they have the resources. Like the cards in the SharedBoard, both players can see these cards. However, only the owner can use them, but seeing the card allows the opponent to prepare for when it is used.

To celebrate being featured in the online con, the game’s developer, Fobia, is offering a special promotion to anyone who picks up the game’s demo within twenty-four hours of the stream. Those who go to the game’s site right now can click on the “Claim the OTK Convention Pack!” button and follow the instructions receive three goodies; a special game skin, emoticon, and title. If you’d like to check the game out and get some special items, do that now and you’ll have the Silas, the Monarch skin, the Big Damage emoticon, and the title "The Literal God".

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In this article: Destiny's Divide, Fobia.

About the Author

QuintLyn Bowers
QuintLyn Bowers, News Editor

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.

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