Guild Wars 2 Shows Off New Legendaries, Readies Players For Economic Instability
Guild Wars 2 is getting a whole bunch of new shiny bits when Heart of Thorns launches in 11 days. The shiniest bits of all will, of course, be the game's new legendary weapons, which were profiled, along with a primer on how they'll be obtained, in today's dev blog post.
The development of these weapons was a long time coming, requiring years' worth of meetings and plans and schedules, and there's still more to do. Only three new legendaries -- the axe Astralaria, the pistol H.O.P.E., and the staff Nevermore -- will be in the game at HoT's launch, with more to follow. They'll follow a similar path to creation, though one that substitutes more HoT-themed components and achievements than their previous brethren.
Naturally, the necessity of different components will lead to some radical shifts in the game's economy, which ArenaNet's in-house economist John Smith addressed in a separate post. He also briefly discussed changes to how salvaging will work as well as other balances to rewards from dungeons and map completion. I'm sure it will all be greeted enthusiastically and absolutely nobody will complain about prices on the trading post!
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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The Ubisoft show certainly keeps getting more interesting.

What started as a potential Dark and Darker competitor ends up closing less than a year later without an official launch.

The show won't be back, but the game itself seems to have some buzz going around its return.

It looks like backers are crushing those stretch goals.
But yea DONT rate a game you think to know , if you don't like the game don't comment cause this is about a few small ingame changes.
go back to your RIFT or WoW or whatever game which makes you politely empty your pockets and look outdated and yes i have played both for a longer time and yes this games will suit you haters
Horrid level scaling. When you explore fo that extra exp loot, and coin (absolutely necessary) at least tie in some of the meaning as to why you even exist. It is just "ok, look at the pretty. kill the things...but not in a one shot because ou are 1000 levels higher, but take your sweet time"...And I drudge through level 1-20 maps on my level 30... Just let me go through faster... Had they scaled the shops to where I can discover my level items I would enjoy it. But with just the enemies scaled down, the whole experience is a useless masked way to gather needed currency.
Combat is meh. Hot bar design is poop. Think about this. Last update we got over 20 new skills in the form of "specializations". Any one ever read those? "Survival = poison skills"...what? SHouldn't it be "healing?" it is like they had a bucket of skills and ran into that: "Oh shit, we HARD FUSED the hot bar 1-5 with weapon load outs, and 9-0 is super limited based on class...ughhh boss...We can't give players new skills unless they are all passive tress ..." And boom they made "specializations" .... Most people don't see that. They just log in: "I Spent money on eye candy YAYAY!"
Eye candy it is to a limit. Any one notice at times the humanoids look like they got pooped out of a 1995 game? THe females are ugly and its just dissapointing from a company that sold it's franchasie on the humanized player models (Hence, guild wars)...they knew they wanted longevity so they chose cartoon over realism, and to compensate, they added beasts and ugly alien gnome things as a race. Think about it... on their box covers they sold their games with sexy human models. Now...A dragon, and crapy human models. barf. And this game is so fan boid up because it was a "buy to play genious model" and still voted top game on mmorrpg dot com LOL fail.
Are you saying it took them years to create these 3 legendary weapons? I really hope i am just interpreting that wrong because that says so much about the development team behind GW2