Guild Wars 2 Players Still Can't Play As A Dervish, But At Least Now They Can Dress The Part
Players hoping to get a Dervish class in Guild Wars 2 are going to have to keep waiting, it seems. But until ArenaNet deems it time for such a class to enter the game, players will just have to take solace in the fact they can look the part -- by wearing the "Primal Dervish Outfit" and wielding a scythe. Both of these items were made available in the cash shop during the game's most recent update.
A few other items were also made available in the store, but aside from that everything else is general bug fixes and tweaks.
On another note, following a recent ban of players who were found cheating, there were players upset over the fact that ArenaNet apparently installed some spyware in order to achieve this. In fact, MassivelyOP reports that one player was so concerned that he emailed ArenaNet about it, and received the following reply.
“The detection process, which we ran from 3/6/2018 to 3/27/2018, identified if a version associated to one of five separate programs we previously disclosed on 4/14/2018 was running on your computer at the same time as Guild Wars 2. The data sent back to ArenaNet was a yes or no to whether or not we detected one of those programs. No other data was sent to ArenaNet as part of the detection method.”
So, according to ArenaNet, players don't have to worry about any information being taken from their computers other than whether or not the programs they were on the lookout for were being run at the time.
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About the Author
QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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