Got $2,500? Trion Starts Selling Trove Support Packs

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

Trove was only announced 10 days ago, but if you want to start throwing money at it, Trion Worlds won't stop you!

Today Trion opened up the option to purchase Support Packs for the upcoming voxel-based MMO, in seven denominations: $5, $20, $50, $100, $200, $1,000 (whoah), and $2,500 (WHOAH). Each package comes with a number of Supporter Credits, which will be usable in the in-game store, as well as guaranteed alpha and beta access (except for the $5 "Scout" package, which only guarantees beta access).

Feeling generous? The $2,500 "Voxel Savant" packages will ensure an item in the world is named after you -- also part of the $1,000 "Pixel Master" package, and you'll also be able to develop your own biome alongside the dev team. At this point, the deal sounds more like the high-end rewards from a Kickstarter project than an MMO pre-purchase package, but if Trion can get someone to pony up that kind of coin, more power to them.

Are you planning to spend early on Trove? If so, what package do you think you'll go for? And could you ever envision yourself shelling out thousands of dollars on a game you've never even played, no matter how awesome it looked?

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: Trove, Trion Worlds, Kickstarter.

About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (35)

trovesuxazz 8 years ago
This game is probably in the top 10 for most grindy, most stingy (rng-wise), and least fun game that is out at the moment.

Bic Boi 11 years ago

*clears throat*


unmarked 11 years ago
cube world


TrionBlows 11 years ago
Trion sucks, every game they have sucks. They are putting such outrageous packs out because they are failing. Layoffs, its a trash company stop supporting it.

OMG 11 years ago
Was looking forward to play this game. Now they start the support packs. Next comes premium packs, then buy into early access, etc.

All I see now is a money grab.

hahahahah 11 years ago
trion is a garbage company. they don't support their games at all. dont support this cash grab.

Anon Says NO 11 years ago
Cubeworld ripoff. Sorry it really is. Will not be buying, wasted my money once on Cubeworld and won't do it again.

Mr Heartless 11 years ago
DO NOT give this company any money. It abandoned its online fps game, failed to support Defiance properly causing it to spiral into nothingness and is generally spreading itself too thin. Too greedy, too dishonest.

Anon 11 years ago
Regardless of what the game actually is, it's doomed to fail.
Trion doesn't have a god damn clue when it comes to maintaining their games. They'll try ride a hype train on this for some profit and then when it's half-dead they'll move on to their next game.

Yso 11 years ago
I haven't heard much of this game but from what I can see it seems similar to Minecraft with MMORPG essence added to it.

Though the idea is good, I think the timing is bad. This idea could have been developed years ago, yet nobody cared to do it. The reason it's such bad timing is because I think Everquest Next Landmark will be the next big thing when it comes to the super sandbox genre. The concept is similar to minecraft but far more detailed and still easy to create things; I don't think this game will be successful after the launch of EQN.

Spider0804 11 years ago
Hmmmm which voxel based game will I choose, the

Trion one which is a blatant ripoff of minecraft....orrr

Everquest Landmark which looks a billion times better, has much more creation and exploration possibilities not to mention the massive community, and a company with a proven track record for developing games.

Not a very hard choice.

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style11 11 years ago
Don't listen to 90% of the commenters on this. All they know how to do is spread hate and say every game sucks. Look at every mmo ever and look at the comments underneath them. Most of the games arent bad and I personally think trove could be amazing. I'd be willing to give 5-10 bucks for early access of the game.

Merkadis 11 years ago
I think Trion needs something.. new. Who the hell is going to play something like trove these days?
Perhaps only those who have tetris instead of a proper pc... ok, but then they expect tetris owners to pay 1-2k$? nice joke.
Anyways... i want more games like baldur's gate, neverwinter nights... why don't trion try to make something like that instead of trying to make a game more fit for a tetris. Sigh~ oh well, it's their turf.

Curst 11 years ago
First they condemn Defiance then drop Warface, and now this?

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chefmadness 11 years ago
First off this a mmorpg not a building block game, yes it looks cheesy but might be fun. Second off Trion also makes Defiance witch is pretty fun & The Secret World witch is totally awesome! The whole founders pack thing is getting old though. Who the hell wants to pay money for a game that is still in closed beta & not even know if any one is gonna like it or not. Neverwinter tried that shit & What a crap game. I am so glad I never paid for it. As for Rift being a WOW clone you are totally wrong, awesome game as well & totally different than WOW. I hate WOW & all that it stands for! Rift is way different.

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Login 11 years ago
F2Ps games just keep getting lower and lower everytime lol everyone wanted all games to be F2P few years back but now with all this companies just trying to milk money out of customers using the 'F2P' model as a free pass,I'm starting to regret ever wanting it like that.
I used to go look for F2Ps games all the time but this days they all look the play the same way to me except for your occasional 2-3 games hyped F2P games that come out a year other than that most are just cash cows,also the communities are pretty bad lol one of the reason I prefer subcriptions or B2P games nowadays.
Haven't seen a good f2p game for some time now..none that I like.

KainDarkfire 11 years ago
I hate saying anyone is copying or knocking off of someone else, and it's true there's been a lot of silence going on.... but it's like I'm looking at Cube World all over again, 'cept with goofier looking characters.

Humor 11 years ago
Sorry to burst everyone's bubble who thinks this game will be worth a damn. But it's an obvious Minecraft ripoff, and don't get me wrong, I dislike Minecraft as well, but it's sad to see a "Big Name" company walk right in, and try to do this.

I'm not even sure why Trion would even attempt to make such a trashy game, it's honestly expected from Indie companies, but as I recall, the only game they've actually made somewhat successful was Rift, and even that being a total World of Warcraft ripoff (Hate WoW As well), Rift didn't do too well going Free to Play almost a year later.

Here's a little advice to Trion Worlds; You only have one game that succeeded, and neglect the other titles which "Could" be good, such as Defiance, which was a pretty amazing game in my eyes, but to to lack of content, negligence, and maintenance, that game also died fast. Work more on titles you currently own, and stop trying to rip off every good idea you couldn't come up with.

My future prediction is "Trove" is going to be a big disaster, and I certainly wouldn't even be tempted at paying even $5, knowing it's going to bomb.

Man, Trion is turning into a joke of a company.... Minecraft... Really...?

View 5 replies
Chris 11 years ago
Mounted :o

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