Glorious Victory!: Gloria Victis Ranks #1 for Steam Greenlight

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

The realistic medieval low-fantasy MMORPG from Black Eye Games has officially been Greenlit on Steam, after two weeks of the Steam community voting in support of the development. Voters put Gloria Victis at #1 in under two days, showing their support and anticipation for the games early-access launch.

The development team made sure to let supporters know they weren’t voting in vain, stating “We will now complete the necessary digital paperwork with Steam and will be in touch with Steam via the Steamworks Developer Program working towards an early-access launch. However we wish for the game to be in a more playable state before we submit Gloria Victis for early access so there will still be a few months wait before Gloria Victis gets on Steam.”

All donators who have already been supporting development will get the opportunity to tie their accounts to Steam at a later time.

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About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (10)

MathiasOrtega 11 years ago
I'm currently Level 10 I did it by my self and i kicked the asses of many pkers. its not hard unless your being trolled other wise pvp is fun just gota watch your back and i dont worry about losing my gear money is easy enough to get

rentor 11 years ago
this is awesome, but bugz is everywhere. This is pre-alpha. If u have no friend u can't get 5 lvl.

Merkadis 11 years ago
I see the game is moving ahead bit by bit, i look forward to it.

Aeryoth 11 years ago
Does not care Where is archeage / Blade & Soul........... this sucks there isnt anything decent.. I want a cross between tera and aion. great graphics and great party guild systems. -- Im sick of playing mmo's just to get 20 levels in and quit because of loneliness.....

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Mystika 11 years ago
I thought Gabe said somewhere that they were in the process of removing Greenlight so that developers/publishers could just put their games directly onto Steam without all this.

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Tauroman 11 years ago

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