Gigantic Open Beta To Hit Xbox One, Windows 10 On December 8
Motiga's action MOBA Gigantic is finally entering open beta -- on Microsot's game preview program, making the game available to players on both Xbox One and Windows 10. The free-to-play game is designed to create a different competitive experience from most team-based games, as noted by Motiga's VP of product development James Phinney:
“With Gigantic, we are trying to create an entirely new competitive experience. Throughout development, Gigantic has gotten attention for its unique art style, whimsical setting and fast-paced gameplay, but our goal has always been something more.
“We’ve sought to build a game full of intense moments and meaningful strategic choices, where there are many paths to victory and it’s always possible to come back and win. Open Beta and participation in Microsoft’s Game Preview Program is an exciting new phase for the project. We’re really looking forward to partnering with players to finish up Gigantic.”
Those hoping to play the game before open beta have a chance this weekend during the Closed Beta test running from Thursday, December 1 at 9 am PST to Sunday, December 4 at 11:59 pm.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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Do they think their game is so special that they can ignore millions of possible players? HAH.
Deemed to die in half a year-year if it even comes out.
Windows 10 is such a garbage, I know for a fact after using it for a year and a half. Not only that but playing Gigantic on Windows 10 was a nightmare. Mostly because the game has random FPS drops that completely freeze the game for some good 5-10 seconds. This happened every time on the screen where players picked their characters. So I was good with Uncle Sven, so I bought him to make sure I get him every time, and tons of times I couldn't play my favorite character that I bought, because the game freezes every time I get to pick my character and by the time it's unfrozen all good characters are picked, some that I always wanted to try like the Shaolin frog dude and of course the one that I bought and was most good with - Uncle Sven the support dude.
Everything about this game and Windows 10 sucks, that's why they promote the combination - because if you've used Windows 10 extensively, you'd know how clunky, slow to load and respond the apps are, especially downloading things from the Store is the most painful experience (on desktop). Windows Phone worked fine before I switched back to Android, but that's not the case. Games, especially big games are a real pain in the neck to install via the Store - many times the download pauses for no reason, gets interrupted for no reason when you are using LAN with a 8MB/s internet that never goes down. Games like Forza 6 Apex, which are Window 10 exclusive won't install if they detect something that they deem "below minim requirements" and you can't install it. I shouldn't be able to play GTA 5 and Fallout 4, but I played them, and they ran fine, why shouldn't I be able to install Forza 6 Apex and see for myself whether I can run it or not? Not only that but Store only installs apps on C:\ and when you install a 60GB game on C:\ when your total C:\ space is 47GB, because you like having everything installed on D:\ and lave C:\ for Windows and Windows alone, you're f-ked. That's why I couldn't install Forza 6 Apex - because I like installing my games on D:\ and f-in Windows 10 Store wants to install it on C:\.
And that's why Windows 10 suck and I'm outraged that Motiga are being paid by the desperate Microsoft, because no one on desktop in their right mind would want to use their Store for anything.