Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX early details revealed, Launches 2014

Michael Dunaway
By Michael Dunaway, News Editor Posted:

Nexon recently acquired the rights to the popular Manga/Anime series Ghost in the Shell. Not one to waste time, the publisher has announced their first title using the license. What genre you may ask? FPS. The FPS, which has a tentative name of 'Ghost in the Shell: STAND ALONE COMPLEX' is being touted as a game featuring "fierce hacking battles between cyborgs fighting over strategic resources". Nexon says the game will also incorporate cyberization and various other concepts that are present in the original work along with "new" diverse content such as a cooperative battle mode, which I am not sure could actually be called "new" except in reference to a game we still know really nothing about.

To be perfectly honest, "fierce battles over strategic resources" sounds like another term for the common FPS domination mode and cyberization, while cool sounding, makes me think of nothing more then the standard customization features present in practically every new FPS these days. I mean look how similar the words even are! Whether or not this is just a lot of early PR spin remains to be seen. We literally have over a year before release so it's unfair to judge the game based on a small PR blip. Keep in mind Nexon is just the publisher. The game is being developed by NeoPle, the developers most famous for Dungeon Fighter Online.

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In this article: Ghost in the shell, Nexon.

About the Author

Michael Dunaway
Michael Dunaway, News Editor

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.

More Stories by Michael Dunaway

Discussion (39)

itgrowls 12 years ago
a little scared about nexon taking this one they certainly didn't help GW2

Hero 12 years ago
Interesting concept but i feel it has been done before i actually disaagree that it would be a better mmorpg maybe I'm wrong but i think they could've done a different approach.And am i the only one who has never heard of Ghost in the Shell... And i watch ALOT of anime, not the mainstream ones though.

Cpt Pudding 12 years ago
just don't let Bandai namco try to make it lol XD

Maki711 12 years ago
OMG !!!!!!!
i love Ghost in the Shell !!!!!!!!! Count me 100% for the game !

ZhaoYun 12 years ago
speaking of anime they gotta make an actual good one piece mmo not like that bullshit pirate king or pockie pirates anyways

for this game i am kinda holding back cause its nexon but then again i got hope cause NeoPle is mentioned in the article i do believe "annoucing" this game that soon is really bad but oh well we will see how this game ends up i just hope fans of this anime(which i dont watch)arent dissapointed in the end gl to all ghost in the shell fans and patience :P

Andyguy123 12 years ago
SWORD ART ONLINE, needs to be made :L

rupert 12 years ago
Wanna see some elfen lied fps, or a higurashi mmorpg would be for the win :P

Submaze 12 years ago
VIVA LA Futurama, Family Guy & Southpark!!!!!!!!!!! F*** ANIME, im not american I'm from Europe, Georgia, TBILISI. and I hate ANIME, f***in pokemons and sh** love world of warcraft and hate AION and Linage.. mmo where boobs are bigger than swords and shelds and bodies are small and heads are huge f*** that... hate anime hate hate hate!!!!!

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Creeksense 12 years ago
Getting us hyped over this is waaaaaaaaay to early, why not judge it when theres some gameplay seen at least and yet ppl are being Bit*** just because they look at Nexon the publisher instead of the developers Neople which they have done a great job with DFO. Good times.
All those people complaining about Nexon or Anime please for the Love of God Shut Up!
All I can hope that Neople can make this game as good as its anime counterpart, because GITS is an awesome anime.

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Sanitus 12 years ago
If anyone wants a true Ghost in the Shell inspired shooter, look for "NeoTokyo". It's a multiplayer source mod with a small but tight knit community.

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LordHikaru 12 years ago
I'm honestly not holding much hope in this being good.. I'm just not(which is really rare for me). Will have to wait and see......

DesertFox 12 years ago
Stopped reading after Nexon. They are the most inca

Juggggernaut 12 years ago
I regret that the rights to the work of The Ghost And Shell have fallen in the hands of NEXON. And at first put the title as a FPS only affirms my fear.

chicken 12 years ago
Thank GOD it's not a sidescroller, amirite?

I can imagine a few better implementations: A PSO type game (which they already kind of have with DragonNest) where you form a squad and do epic instanced missions all the time.
A persistent world mmo with various classes (full prosthetics, part-prosthetics, full human each with their own set of skills) but having it action based similar to Tera or Fallout.
They could have an FPS akin to Counterstrike (Section 9 vs Hackers) but with special abilities like invisibility, taking over someone elses body, etc.
Make it full PVP, like APB or Planetside, where really your main objective is to take out the opposing force but add in other objectives like territory control (maybe having Sector 9 vs the Resistance) or specific missions that bring the two forces against each other.

Yuri 12 years ago
why nexon?! almost all their games are P2W (Pay2Win)!! and im betting my money on this game being the same -.-

LightOneLife 12 years ago
well i hope its a TPS. i say that because usually people reffer to FPS/TPS as a singular genre, which is what is present here 'FPS' but i am hoping i get to see the character atleast, or i am also out

Gamer 12 years ago
Well, a FPS...
I'm out then. I mean FPS are good for a short-while... but then it has no meaning after that.
Just look at their Combat Arms game, it's slowly dying away...

Would've been better if it was an MMORPG (and a good one I mean)
Maybe it could combine FPS and MMORPG!

So like, going around with guns, travelling the world, and defeating enemies!

dagudman 12 years ago
If this game is bad, I am just going to ignore it, Ghost in a Shell is too good for a crappy game, if it is bad it should not be associated with the series.

Cacalips 12 years ago
Keep in mind that Nexon is just the publisher...well that is all they ever are and should not be. UGhhh. I am going to program myself to pretend this never exists. I don't always collect anime, but when I do, Ghost in the Shell is in there. And this cannot ruin it for me!

RenTheRose 12 years ago
lets get off the topic of anime i watched the anime its a smart and well thought out i can eazly see this being use for a first person shooter looking at the anime their were over 30 types of weapons used and their a 17 miltery vehicles so yes i see a good amout of stuff in it they can use but you cant even use the anime to judge the game or how its going to turn out all we know now is that it has a domination and mybe cybersation theme but rilly i dont think their any news here beside its comeing out in 1 year and i bet thats not a solid set deadline. so all in all ill keep an eye on it but please leave the anime flameing out of the gameing site.

kaiserjulio3 12 years ago
to submaze!!! If you dont like just dont comment and bye the way naruto is not chinese is japonese and the others who speak shi... about anime go watch futurama or some american shi... cartoons ;(

Okofire 12 years ago
Well hentai animes are good. But i watched all good ones. :/. Now all what is left is Naruto which i currently watch. :S
We need more GOOD ANIMES.

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siogeth 12 years ago
lol looks like a casual shooter -_-

Submaze 12 years ago
next anime shit.... F*** ANIME i cant see those naruto chinese faces!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 99% games is ANIME

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Allacore666 12 years ago
mounted...but i think this game would be better if it was an mmorpg

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