Get Busy Crafting, or Get Busy Dying: ArcheAge Obsidian Weapons On Their Way

Michael Byrne
By Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief Posted:

archeage_obsidian_ feat

If you're an ArcheAge fan and you like long quests, lots of crafting, and a fair amount of work to get an awesome weapon (a la Final Fantasy XIV), the new Obsidian Weapon quest line that will be added in the Secrets of Ayanad update for Trion Worlds' free-to-play MMORPG should fit the bill.

Obsidian weapons can be crafted and will be found in the Carpentry and Weaponry sections of your folio. No proficiency is required to do the actual crafting, but you'll be putting a lot of work into obtaining one of these weapons.

Just to get the first tier of these new weapons, there are 6 total tiers, players will have to undergo a series of quests to collect the materials (some are held by level 51+ creatures, others are held only by library bosses and notorious creatures) and to actually craft the weapon itself.

Crafting of Obsidian weapons is a bit more straightforward than ArcheAge players may be used to though as Obsidian weapons have static stats determined by rarity grade. This also means that you can combine stats that otherwise would be impossible to combine on regular weaponry. Want to add healing to your shortspear? Go ahead!

For more details, check out the official announcement.

Got a news tip? Contact us directly here!

In this article: Trion Worlds, ArcheAge.

About the Author

Michael Byrne
Michael Byrne, Editor in Chief

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.

More Stories by Michael Byrne

Discussion (15)

Xantzu 10 years ago
Guess someone has to add something positive to this thread.

The most people here remember how it was right after release (which is quite often a bloody mess) and how it was before the bot issues were addressed (for some silly reason Trion found a stable game more important then getting rid of some farm bots..)

Currently, there are actually enough players around to have fun in the game. PVP is still going strong and most people are actually enjoying themselves.
Gold spammers are non to be found on the chats anymore and it is getting harder by the day to find botters in the world.

Yes, Trion made a mess of things at the start. But it does seem they are learning from their mistakes. The game currently is actually getting better with each incremental update. I am still playing and am still enjoying the game!

Oh Did I Come To Leave a **** Comment? 10 years ago
Yeah ha APEX what a scam, Ha abundant land they say HA what a scam, Fishing they say ha what a scam. "Don't worry this isn't a pay to win game this is a pay to play hiding behind a free to play background which is worse then a pay to win because simply you can not even play". What ever dropped like 300 which is like nothing compared to anyone else and in my life 300 was a bit and even I didn't want to quit. plus RNG is hacked only bot's and land hackers can get anything good the people actually sitting there tending the farm with a clock still had less of a chance then others bot's pushed the avg gold above the limit and then the simple free to play farmer had even more of a hard time then pay to play. game is jank dont like wont ever like it better go back to mariocart at least that shit made me laugh when I fell into the water.

Sadako 10 years ago
Worst thing ever existed in this world... Following Justin Bieber

PrinceMark 10 years ago
I bought the $150 founders pack. Played in Alpha 1.0 the BEST version of ArcheAge... then came 1.1 and so on... it started slowly...even on Alpha test bots, gold spammers and hackers were prevalent. 150K accounts were banned due to this reasons. now the main question is, how can 150K accounts get through alpha and cbt period? whats the integrity of TRION security system? then came CBT where the destruction comes in faster and faster each day... the chat room is flooded with gold spammers (TAKE NOT ITS STILL ON CLOSED BETA). then same Open Beta... the EXACT SAME issues from Alpha to CBT to OBT were prevalent. Widespread exploits, hacks, botting, glitching etc... then came the wipe... then the disastrous EARLY access. Imagine a 5 DAYS early access and your only able to play for 4 hours within 4 days! why? Number 1 issue: The validation system. 2: MASSIVE LONG QUEUE (5hours to 10hours+ waiting time). 3: Server Crashes. Then TRION made the biggest mistake of all time... they add servers upon servers... then ghost town... 1 to 2 months after early access began...tons of player quit the game. i also did quit the game around those times... honestly ArcheAge is a great game... but TRION IS THE WORST GAME COMPANY. they are unprofessional, Face to Face liars (no Tricks no Traps eh?), Money Cow Milkers (RNG Boxes and stuff), Incapable and definitely stupidly inexperience company as a whole. They even apply patches and updates that they themselves did not check or tested. And then... here comes the pointing fingers... whenever theres an issue TRION always points its fingers to XLgames rather than providing immediate solution and accepting its failures.


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x 10 years ago
worst mmo ever i met.

Girlgonemad 10 years ago
Trash game !

Goddard 10 years ago

Mr Heartless 10 years ago
Please stop covering this travesty before you incite mass riot.

coma 10 years ago

Baium 10 years ago
It dies even faster with all that crafting and questing ! The game died even faster then Tera ! Crappy game , low population , a lot of boring craft , full of bots , hackers ! WARNING ! DO NOT PLAY THIS GAME !

kaka facial 10 years ago
Ye unfortunately I bought this pos on steam.... wasted time and money on a crap game. DO NOT PLAY IT!

berkay1122 10 years ago
Its too late now. such a low population left in the game. and this kind of grind gonna kill archeage even faster. I hope black desert makes a better launch...

josua 10 years ago
too bad the game died when it was released because of all the hacks they allowed in the game when they simply ported the game from russia and didnt fix it for months

between that and horrible server issues and customer support it was abandoned in a month

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