Genshin Impact Version 2.1 Arrives Tomorrow, With Fishing WITHOUT Bombs!
Food, fishing, and finally figuring out what’s up with the Raiden Shogun are all coming.
It’s almost time for the next big Genshin Impact update. In fact, we have approximately nine hours, give or take, before we can hop in and start exploring the two new islands in Inazuma and can uncover more about the region’s goddess and leader, the Raiden Shogun. This is also the patch that will kick off the game’s first-anniversary celebration, in addition to adding new event types.
If you haven’t already pre-loaded the update, it is available now. You’re looking at a little over 18 gigs in total for this one. Once maintenance is done and you’re able to hop in, you’ll have access to the two new islands, provided you’re Rank 30 or above and have completed Archon Quest “Chapter II: Act I – The Immovable God and Eternal Euthymia.” That’s pretty much the lowest rank requirement for content in this update, with the exception of the “Passage of Clouds and Stars” daily login event, which is open to anyone Rank 5 or higher. The various events will be spread out throughout the month.
The events available immediately include the two Wish events, “Reign of Serenity” which makes the Raiden Shogun available to players, and the Epitome Invocation which includes the Raiden Showgun’s Polearm. Both of these are available until the 21st. Up next is the “Hyakunin Ikki” Event. This is a new kind of combat challenge available to those Rank 30 or above who have completed the Archon Quest “Ritou Escape Plan”. It’s available to players beginning September 2 and runs through September 13.
For those looking for something a little more relaxing, a fishing event will be available beginning September 10. The requirements are the same as “Hyakunin Ikki” with the addition of needing to complete the quest “Exploding Population” offered by Nantuck in Mondstadt. Oh, yes, this also means that fishing has been added to the game and it ties into the Serenitea Pot system. I guess that means we don’t have to blow up fish anymore. Nah… We’re still gonna throw bombs in the lakes.
As for the daily login event, that starts on September 28. Just log in for seven days between then and the Version 2.0 maintenance. Doing so will earn you a total of ten Intertwined Fate among other things.
And, of course, there’s the new “Moonlight Merriment” event, taking place in Liyue. Players need to be Adventure Rank 28 and have completed Archon Quest “Chapter I: Act III – A New Star Approaches” and “Trulla Chapter: Act I – Mondstadt Gastronomy Trip” in order to take part. Participating in this one will earn players the fish-shaped Luxurious Sea-Lord claymore, in addition to other things.
Story-wise, the new Archon Quest “Chapter II: Act III – Omnipresence Over Mortals” will be available with the update. Maybe now, we’ll find out what has the Raiden Shogun so bent out of shape. There are new side story quests as well, and more than ten new world quests. A full list of additions is available in the patch notes and there are about a dozen different articles on each of the events, characters, and other additions on the Genshin Impact site. Just in case you get bored during the five-hour update period.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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