Gazillion Introduces Fire and Ice PvP to Marvel Heroes
In a universe filled with superheroes fighting supervillains, Gazillion Entertainment has finally found a way to have superheroes fight themselves, thus cutting out the need for supervillains altogether. The addition of PvP is somewhat overshadowed by Marvel Heroes' recent update 2.0, which unlocked new areas, balanced several heroes, and added the first playable villain, Loki.
Fire and Ice pack their own respective punches though, featuring two teams of five tasked with guarding allied giants and defeating enemy giants as they move to destroy the enemies base. When players successfully kill an enemy or giant, they gain a runestone which can be traded in for a variety of buffs. I can't help but feel this sounds like a MOBA when written down.
In order to promote both balanced PvE and PvP, the introduction of Fire and Ice will also mark the introduction of separate skill balance between the two. This will ensure a balanced PvE ability isn't imbalanced in PvP and won't have to be adjusted because of it.Of course, for those seeking more gratification outside the deafening thump of the Hulk smashing his fists together on a hapless Spiderman's skull, players will also earn rewards including a new form of currency, Asgardian Crowns, used to purchase new PvP gear.
Fire and Ice is currently labeled as "beta", but seems to be integrated into the full game already. Later this month Gazillion plans to introduce Gambit, though he may not make it in time to perform magic tricks at Thanksgiving. Are you a fan of PvP in action RPGs?
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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There should never have any PvP (hero vs hero) in it at all...
Why? Because most Heroes skills are unbalanced and OP.
It was done that way so players would either buy the new stronger heroes or play the game for a longer time to obtain it.
Else... might as well give all players instant access to all heroes that have exact same stats from beginning and players build base on play through.