Fortnite's Back With Chapter 2, And You Thought It Would Be Gone Forever
Okay, I know most of you had enough sense to know the game was coming back. But, really... Some of the reports about the black hole... Sheesh.
After about two days of leaving their players staring at a black hole, Epic has taken mercy on them by launching Fortnite Chapter 2. The prolonged update brings big changes to the game -- including an all-new island map with 13 drop locations. There are even new water-based activities, like swimming, fishing, and boating.
The update also makes a variety of technical changes to the game -- adding a new XP system to eliminate grind, giving players new ways to upgrade their weapons, offering new hideouts and explosives, and more. There's even a new Bandage Bazooka for players who want to heal their teammates in the most violent way possible.
In fact, there's enough new content -- including the obligatory Battle Pass, that Epic has dropped several posts on the game's site in the last two days offering players information on everything from the update itself to several changes to creative mode. This includes a new Featured Hub as well as various new devices and buildings.
The update also coincides with Epic adjusting pricing alignments for V-Bucks across different countries to make things fairer for everyone involved.
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About the Author

QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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