FISHAO: First Gameplay Trailer, Gotta Catch 'Em All
FISHAO the open world fishing MMO has released its first gameplay trailer. Developed by a small duth studio, FISHAO combines elements similar to Pokemon and Animal Crossing by encouraging players to explore the island and catch over 151 unique fish. Stay tuned at MMOBomb for some FISHAO beta keys.
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The Steampunk inspired MMORPG City of Steam is set to begin yet another round of beta testing in a few hours (7:00 PST), which will hopefully lead to the game's full open beta later this month.
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Some poses available in previous bundles will find other ways to be obtained.

Get your cosmetic collection ready, you only have a few moments to pick your look.

If you didn’t get yours on March 13th, you’ll want to check and see if you get it tomorrow.

Simultaneously, a guild event makes it easier to find friends to share adventures.
Yeah, we made that a game.
And all you see in the video is people throwing their baits into the water, not how they actually catch or "fight" the fish so I'm assuming there's no greater gameplay involving the fishing itself.