Firefall Starts A War In The Amazon

Jason Winter
By Jason Winter, News Editor Posted:

Red 5 Studios has declared war! No longer will you be able to order books and DVDs online and stream videos to your devices!

Oh wait... wrong Amazon.

Rather, Update 1.3 for Firefall, War in the Amazon, brings players to Firefall's first warzone, a max-level zone with super-challenging enemies and new missions that will put players up against the worst the Chosen have to offer.

Update 1.3 also introduces Big Game Hunter, which brings with it a set of new achievements for taking down the nastiest of the nasties, as well as improvements to grouping, updates to the faction reward system, and new battleframe cores.

The update goes live today and has its own dedicated subsite with more details here. And watch out for those drones.

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In this article: Firefall, Red 5 Studios.

About the Author

Jason Winter
Jason Winter, News Editor

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.

More Stories by Jason Winter

Discussion (8)

Caddy 9 years ago
Everything in Shop can be bought by playing, you don't have to put a dime in the game and everything in shop its not pay2win, mostly vanity items like helms, paints stuff like that
The game its way way better now then it use to be though it has some issues with end game...Amazon its a nice place but the rewards not enough to make you comeback there after you get the core for example (there are some new cores you can get once you hot an reputation lvl)
Either way the game its free and i recommend it to everyone, there is no pay2win again and no OP stuff...everyone can get top gear, how fast depends on how much you play
my 2 cents

coma 10 years ago
Repeetive crap, devs are scammers, so many times tye removed players stuff and not refund anything, repetetive 3 min missions, neverending repetetive thumpering,all about devs talk is buy beans buy beans..., ingame cash for real cash, and its a pay to win u cant do a shet in "dungeons" if u not invest, boring repetetive pay to win crap from scammers with worst skill upgrade system ever made and u need tonns of player made addons to know where is what

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Spell 10 years ago
Was fun to play Firefall before the major changes but like then so as nowdays remains pointless.Just run up and down doing same things and waiting ages for printing.

No future unless they put some proggresive story!

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Mamson 10 years ago

some random scottish guy 10 years ago
I can only admire there attitude towards updating the game in the recent months its a huge shame this didnt get out of beta much sooner.

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