Firefall Official Launch Revealed, Major Content Patch Inbound
After a long and undoubtedly checkered development period, Red 5 has finally announced Firefall is nearing its official release date. Set to go live on July 29th, Firefall's official launch is said to be much more than a mere rebranding from Open Beta. On top of introducing several major changes aimed at simplifying the MMO's progression and crafting systems, Firefall will also receive its largest content update ever.
According to Red 5, the official launch update will quadruple the amount of world space in Firefall and add roughly 15-times the amount of content previously available during beta. New zones will be added at launch including Devil's Tusk and a brand new open-world continent in which players can opt to participate in PvP while capturing, controlling territory, and harvesting resources. The introduction of open world PvP is a feature long requested by fans and represents the return of PvP after Firefall's instanced based PvP was removed last year.
Firefall is currently available to download through the official site however, players may also elect to download the game through Steam after launch.
About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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They suggest perusing their blog posts to deal with the downtime boredom.

Yes, early access will likely still have some wipes planned.

Tip back a pint in either MMORPG.

Invite multiplayer and an optimized progression system also arrive.
i feel like the same might happen with archeage if trion doesnt hurry up
Being on Steam, guess that could help increase numbers that will try it.
Went onto the site and saw they have Launch packages (cue more laughter).......they must have made so much money from founder's packages that they thought they could milk it further.
Its been dead for months, I haven't heard nor seen any sign of life from it in ages.
This is just like Trion continuing to try breathe life into the dead corpse of Rift. It's kinda sad.
But grats to the R5 team for finally getting it to released status. I'm happy for them and hope it turns out into everything they want and everything the fans want.