Firefall kicks off Open Beta, Unveils Deliciously Cheesy Live-Action Trailer
Its out! Red 5's MMOFPS Firefall has finally been released. Usually when an MMO transitions from closed to open beta we see the addition of some new content, but Red 5 seems to think the last closed beta milestone update should tie players over for just a bit.
That isn't to say Red 5 is sending players on their way empty handed. A unabashedly cheesy live-action trailer has been released for Firefall. So cheezy in fact, I can't help but be reminded of the nineties power-ranger period live-action shows. The enemy Chosen's over-sized head only served to reinforce the nostalgic cheese vibes I was getting from the trailer. Experience it above.
While some developers tip-toe around what Open Beta means for their game, whether it be a "soft-release" or what have you, Red 5 has been very upfront with players. A news post on the game's official site, underlines how appreciative and excited the developers are, but they go on to stress that Firefall is still very much a work in progress. "You may experience things in game that are incomplete or not working" Red 5 says. "We would rather ship a product to you, our players, and gather feedback on that feature earlier rather than later to make sure we're on the right track".
Personally, I was hoping to see the explorable area of Firefall expanded upon once the game transitioned into open beta. As it stands, players are still somewhat confined to the starting region and new content has been slow to trickle in for veteran closed beta players. You can start playing Firefall now by visiting the official site here.
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About the Author

Michael Dunaway has been part of the MMOBomb team for years and has covered practically every major Free-to-Play MMO title since 2009.
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The following thou fails.
Durability some items are repairable some are not they do not state on the items if they are or not. The devs for what ever reason have stated they think its good for their economy. Well it could be good but putting on a item if its repairable or not would be smart wouldnt it..
Its a super grind fest. You have to grind resources, XP and crystite a type of currency all 3 are needed for upgrading gear buying stuff and or character progression.
Techs which are talents are pretty much worthless. The things they currently do to your battleframe(character) is basically nothing.
PVP is the worst Think unbalanced meets the ring around a rosey childhood game. Basically some Battleframes are so Overpowered its not funny if your not a light frame with high amount of damage your not able to do anything in pvp. Want to kill someone hope they dont just keep running away from you while jumping from point to point because you wont be able to hit them.
They want to make this a esport but let me tell you with a mixture of tribes and Unreal tournament this ends up being complete fail.
One of thie biggest issues in the game is their so called Sin Network. Its tied into every single aspect of the game and lags like crap. Try to add a item to your armor try again and again and again.Think your done doing a quest think again you might have to do it 3-5 times even if you completed it and handed it in and got the reward.
The worst part of the game the crafting system. In game there is no information on it what so ever
it does not tell you that you need to use a certain grade of resource in order to get any benifit to your crafted item, it does not explain that you have to wait sometimes days to weeks to craft a piece of gear.
Want to go dungeoning forget it before you can do PVE content you need to craft some ridiculous key that not only uses too much resources to see the content but is costly.
They do have a kind of unique form of travel called the glider however if you look up you die falling to your death.
Want to get around faster too bad you need 200k+ money and have to craft your motorcycle.
The menu and skillz disapear constantly from the UI and the only fix is logging out and back in.
When doing this the Horrible AI Voice of Areo or Oilspill decide to kick start usually saying the same thing 3 times.
overall rating 4 out of 10 on the beta
1 : is this game Pay to win ?
2 : is it worth a try ?
Not to mention that PvP wise I'd prolly rather play Tribes Ascend for jetpack action or Planetside 2 because well duh...
Overall I'm not impressed.
Also cool news.