Final Fantasy XIV’s Stalker Mod Issue Is Being Fixed In Patch 7.2, But It Will Mess Up Your Blacklist A Bit
Blacklisted characters names will not show up properly.
The preliminary patch notes are up for Final Fantasy XIV’s Patch 7.2 dropping next Tuesday. The update adds a good bit of new content to the MMORPG, expanding on the MSQ, continuing the raid series, kicking off a new PvP season, and more. It also adds a ton of new items for players to collect, ranging from housing items to new outfits and emotes. Of course, there are the mounts and minions, too.
The patch notes also outline changes to tomestone distribution. As tomestones of Mathematics are coming in, Aesthetics are on their way out and will be exchangeable for Heliometry following the update. Causality and Comedy are being completely removed. If for some reason you still have those, it’s time to trade them in for Poetics before they’re gone.
A big fix coming in Patch 7.2 focuses on the game’s blacklist system. As you might recall, an issue was discovered involving a mod that allows players to see account information for other players. It didn’t grant access to payment information and the like. Instead, what it did was take advantage of a change in the blacklist system and allowed people to see all the characters associated with a single account. That’s not exactly ideal for people who might want a bit of privacy.
That issue is now being fixed, however, it’s going to play a bit of havoc with players’ blacklists. It won’t delete people from the lists, but it will be difficult to know who’s on the list as their names will all be displayed as “(Character name could not be retrieved.)”. The devs suggest deleting characters and adding them back to the list if you want to see who everyone is. It may not matter if you don’t blacklist people too often and intend to keep the ones you have on the list forever. However, the list is limited, so if you add and remove from it frequently, that’s a different story. Also, note that your mute list will have been cleared by the update.
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QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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Yes, early access will likely still have some wipes planned.
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