Final Fantasy Producer’s Letter Live Teases 6.3 "Gods Revel, Lands Tremble" New Dungeons, Trials, Ultimates, Relics & More
More housing is on the way, too.
It seems like these things keep coming sooner and sooner. Either that or time dilation is just getting crazier, but here we are again. Today, in the wee hours of the morning, Square Enix hosted the first half of the Final Fantasy XIV 74th Producer’s Letter Live, offering players a first look at what to expect in the upcoming 6.3 update.
Coincidentally, today was also apparently the anniversary of when the Final Fantasy XIV 1.0 servers shut down. Normally any kind of game shutdown is a sad thing, but look at where it's gotten us. Three major patches into the game’s fourth expansion. This piece is written using the super helpful translations on the Final Fantasy XIV community Discord.
What is Patch 6.3 called? "Gods Revel, Lands Tremble". Despite the Live Letter (or first half, anyway) taking place now, we’re not going to see it until after the New Year. According to Yoshi-P it would just be too stressful to handle as 2022 is wrapping up. Holidays and all that jazz do tend to make things chaotic. They didn’t specify an exact day, but the update will arrive in early January.
What’s to look forward to? First, there are new main scenario quests and new side quests. Tataru’s Grand Endeavor takes us to Kugane where it looks like she’s taking advantage of her business relationship with Hancock of the East Aldenard Trading Company. (That’s cool news. I like that guy.) Tale of Newfound Adventure is continuing as well. There’s a little sidequest involving a (currently) harmless voidsent that you might want to pick up if you haven’t already so you can do more with that.
Yes. There will be more Hildibrand stuff – but not until 6.35. That includes the weapons so around then we’ll be getting some glow, I guess.
A new line of tribal quests will come out in 6.35 as well. This one will be for the crafters, and if you guess the Loporrits… Look, why would you be guessing? We all knew it was going to be a crafting quest involving the Loporrits. C’mon.
On to dungeons, trials, and other such content. A new dungeon titled Lapis Manalis will arrive in Patch 6.3. The Japanese name includes “Snow Mountain”. It’s part of the MSQ. We can take guesses as to where it’s located. There will be a new trial. No, they are not telling us who the boss will be. But, they were more than happy to let us know that Sophia will be the next Unreal. (Oh. No.)
The story of the Twelve continues with the next Alliance Raid; Myths of the Realm #2. That means a new way to level up your current raid gear as well. It’s apparently a good thing that they’re waiting until January to drop the patch, as testing on this particular bit of content hasn’t even begun yet.
This next one is great news for those with a passion for shiny weapons and titles with “Legend” in them. A new Ultimate is on its way as well. Much like the trial, they’re not going to tell us what it is. What we do know is that it will arrive two weeks after 6.3. Let the speculating about what the shinies will look like begin... perhaps "Revel" could be a clue?
Deep dungeon fans will be getting some love as well, although they’ll need to wait until 6.35 for it. Get ready to enter Eureka Orthos – provided you meet the requirements. First, complete Endwalker. Second, clear Palace of the Dead to level 50. If you’re a deep dungeon fan, that’s probably not too much of a problem. If you’ve never done them before, grab up to three friends and go. There are goodies to be had for doing it. Also note that you can use this new deep dungeon as a leveling method for alt jobs, but you do have to be level 81 or higher to enter.
Speaking of dungeons, 6.3 will fill in the rest of the Heavensward dungeons on Duty Support. Aetherochemical research is getting a redesign, specifically the third boss.
The live letter touched briefly on job adjustments. They’re completely changing Paladin’s rotation. They’re also not telling us what that will look like until the next stream. Yeah. It’s a bit of a tease. You can stress out about it now.
Hey! PvP. A new Crystalline Conflict stage is on the way, as is PvP series 3 and CC series five. There will also be changes to PvP actions. It looks like the Conflict is going to Kugane – and indoors for once. The stage actually looks really pretty. As for the other stages, Cloud Nine will be appearing less in the future. People don’t exactly love it.
On to the crafters! (And more nudity, because weapon makers don’t believe in clothes around here.) The Manderville weapons aren’t the only new relics players can look forward to. Skysteel Tool Enhancement is back – or will be back in 6.35. And, as to be expected, there will be another set of custom delivery quests to take on. That’s great news for those still leveling crafting and needing somewhere to grab some extra XP. Looks like some Pixie love. Oh. And diving (and therefore spearfishing) is being added to ARR zones. Just when you think you have no reason to go back…
Not crafting, but more or less for the same crowd, there will be new island updates. Apparently, they have plans to update the island every two patches. They emphasize that players should take their time with this content. It’s not intended to be treated like a World First contest. Although, some of you will probably fight to be the first to capture the new griffin animal. Or, perhaps the tiger?
The update does mean there will be new ranks, new rewards, and new structures. They’re also tweaking the workshop interfaces and adding options to make things less tedious. And, things have already been planned for 6.4.
The upcoming update will also change how combat damage is shown. Damage type will now appear in the log and in flying text. The battle UI is getting some love and will display the remaining times for buffs and debuffs in the party list. (This is apparently part of the team trying to address players using third-party tools because the feature doesn’t exist in-game.) There will also be a new UI theme, but they’re not showing us that yet.
As the stream drew closer to the end, they covered a bit of odds and ends. A new treasure dungeon is being added. Only maps found in Elpis can open the way. A new jumping puzzle stage is being added to the Gold Saucer. And… This is a big one. MORE HOUSING PLOTS. Yep, new housing plots are, in fact, being added. There will be 6 regular wards and 6 subdivisions per world with a total of 1,800 new plots being added in each world. They will all work under the same lottery system and more details will be provided later. That includes how they plan to divide the FC plots and private plots.
It also seems retainers are getting love, both cosmetically and practically. The important bit is that changes are being made to their inventory management. But according to Yoshi-P it’s too complex to just write up or talk about, so he’s waiting until the next Live Letter to show it off. Oh, and players can now change retainer glams without removing their gear.
Two final tidbits. First, work is being done to allow players to use even more actions while wearing fashion accessories. (If this keeps up I’ll never have to remove my wings.) Second, for everyone asking about Blue Mage love, Yoshi-P says they’ll do it “at some point” and asks for players to just wait a bit more.
As always, if you’d like to watch the stream, it can be viewed below. Just remember that it’s in Japanese, with the only English appearing on the slides.
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QuintLyn is a long-time lover of all things video game related will happily talk about them to anyone that will listen. She began writing about games for various gaming sites a little over ten years ago and has taken on various roles in the games community.
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