Fight For Mythical Beasts Of German Lore In World Of Warships
With its U-boats and destroyers, the German navy terrified to enemy sailors during World War II. Now, German monsters of a different sort are entering World of Warships, as Wargaming has kicked off a monthlong event that features four terrors of the Fatherland.
Players can align themselves with one of four mythical beasts of German lore, a different one during each of the event's weekly stages. None of them sound like the sort of things you'd like to meet in a dark alley:
- Welthund: a huge black dog with a sole big eye on its forehead. It gets bigger and angrier during epidemics and wars.
- Feuerputz: a demon that can take on different forms. Most often, it appears as a flaming skeleton or horseman.
- Glühschwanz: a night ghost in the guise of a dragon. It flies to the homes of witches and miscreants in search of treats at night. If it doesn't receive treats, it burns their houses.
- Lindwurm: a wingless creature with a dragon's head and a serpentine body that lies in wait for its victims by the water.
The missions players receive can be completed with Tier V-X ships, and they're issued in sequential order every 40 minutes between 8:30 a.m. and 2:30 a.m. Pacific, with 120-minute time limits. Complete missions to earn personal and team-based rewards, which earn you themed German commanders and Beast Tokens you can redeem for a variety of rewards.
Learn more about the Battle of the Beasts on the World of Warships site. In addition, you can check out the recent lengthy (17 hours!) stream titled The Longest Night of Museums, which highlighted naval museums from around the world, on the Warships Twitch or YouTube channels.
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About the Author

Jason Winter is a veteran gaming journalist, he brings a wide range of experience to MMOBomb, including two years with Beckett Media where he served as the editor of the leading gaming magazine Massive Online Gamer. He has also written professionally for several gaming websites.
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