FFXIV Players On Xbox Are Running Into (Sometimes Hilarious) Chat Filtering And Banning Issues
Hopefully Microsoft takes care of these things sooner rather than later!
FFXIV on Xbox platforms has been a long time coming. While the MMORPG did have an open beta on Microsoft's console, it appears that some systems still have a few kinks here and there.
Enter this example from the official forums where an Xbox user who says they have turned off chat filters in game and on their Xbox settings, but continues to see chat words censored. "Class" becomes "Cl***", "Thanalan" becomes "Th****an" (that one took me a brief second), and other fun blurring of parts of words.
As replies point out, it's the hilarity of the Scunthorpe Problem at work again.
How about this one from reddit: User TGB_B20kEn came to the site looking for a bit of help from fellow Xbox players. It seems they were the lucky recipient of a 61-day ban from Xbox services (which would mean you can't even play FFXIV) for violating "the Community Standards and was subjected to enforcement action."
Their crime? Having the absolute audacity to try and recruit for their new Free Company with "Hello Sprouts! We are currently recruiting for a new Free Company that accepts anyone! Please have Discord because we have PC Players! Pm if interested friends!"
The general consensus here is that the bots scanning chats aren't taking "Free Company" in the FFXIV context. The scan probably interprets the phrase to be pitching your totally awesome escort service...which obviously you'd want to have a totally awesome Discord to go with it.
Hopefully Microsoft will be pretty quick to sort these types of issues out. In the meantime, careful in that chat window!
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About the Author

Mike “Magicman” Byrne has been a part of the MMOBomb family for years and serves as the site’s current Editor-in-Chief. His love for MMOs and gaming in general has led him to covering games for numerous gaming websites including Gamebreaker TV and XIV Nation where he proudly displays his fanboy flag for FFXIV:ARR.
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